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词汇 seeds
例句 She planted the seeds and trod the earth down.她埋下种子,把土踩实。Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds.温度和潮湿会使种子发芽。Recycle yoghurt pots for planting seeds.酸奶罐可以回收用来育苗。If you plant the seeds too early they won't grow.种子如果播得太早就不会生长。Keep the seeds in an airtight container.把种子保存在不透气的容器里。First, the researchers germinated the seeds.研究人员首先让种子发芽。The regulations effectively prohibit the entry of seeds into the country.这些规定有效地禁止了种子进入该国。A gin is a machine to separate seeds from cotton.轧棉机是把棉籽从棉花里分离出来的机器。The catalogue has hundreds of different varieties of seeds.目录中列出了数百个品种的种子。The seeds of change in Eastern Europe were beginning to emerge.东欧巨变的种子开始萌芽。The seeds remain dormant until the spring.春天到来之前这些种子呈休眠状态。The globular seed capsule contains numerous small seeds.球状蒴果内包着许多小种子。They strewed seeds in the garden.他们在园子里播种。Sow the seeds thinly outdoors in spring.春天在户外浅浅地播种。His phenomenal success carried within it the seeds of its own destruction. 他非凡的成就中隐藏着自我毁灭的种子。The apples were taken away after their seeds were no longer extractable.当再也榨不出子来时,苹果就被拿走了。The seeds are very small, about half the size of a grain of salt.这些种子非常小,只有盐粒的一半大小。They strewed the garden with seeds.他们把种子播在园子里。The seeds need to be completely immersed in water.种子需要完全浸没在水中。The seeds can be eaten whole or ground in a coffee grinder.这些豆子可以整个吃,也可以用咖啡机磨成粉。They have stocked their farm with livestock, seeds and canned food.他们为农场供应牲畜、种子和罐头食品。The pods broke open and the seeds scattered on the wind.荚果裂开,种子随风飘散了。Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon.把番茄切成两半,用茶匙把籽挖出。The seeds must have been duds because the plants never grew.这些一定是假种子,因为根本就长不出植物。Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.富庶的工业化国家播下了全球变暖的种子。He's sowing the seeds of his own downfall.他这是在为自己的垮台埋下祸根。The ripe seed pod splits open and scatters the seeds.成熟的荚果裂开,种子散落了出来。The seeds must be planted in time for the rainy season.必须及时播种赶上雨季。When you sprout seeds their nutritional content increases.让种子发芽后,其营养含量会提高。Split the fruit lengthwise and discard the seeds.把水果竖着切开,然后把籽去掉。Store the seeds in an airtight tin.把种子储存在密封罐。It's been too cold for seeds to germinate properly.天气太冷,种子不能正常发芽。The pedlar had wicker baskets of roast chickpeas and seeds and nuts.货郎拿着柳条筐,里面装着烤鹰嘴豆、瓜果籽和干果。The seeds were not meant for human consumption.这些种子不适合人类食用。He held the seeds in the cup of his hand. 他把种子捧在手心里。Before you plant the seeds, prepare the soil carefully.在播种之前,要仔细翻整好土壤。The seeds are ground into a fine powder before use.种子在使用之前先磨成细粉末。Watermelon seeds contain highly nutritive oil.西瓜籽还有营养丰富的油脂。Peel the peppers and remove the seeds.给甜椒剥皮去籽。He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends.他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。




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