例句 |
The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned.这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。The caption should be directly under the illustration it refers to.说明文字应当位于所释插图的正下方。The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath "the unacceptable face of capitalism".该报刊登了一幅无家可归者露宿街头的照片,照片下方的说明文字为“资本主义的黑暗面”。She tried to understand the instructions, but she was completely at sea.她费尽力气想看懂那些说明文字,却全然不知所云。The captions offer only a morsel of background information.说明文字只给出了少量背景信息。 |