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词汇 说服
例句 You must persuade him to see another doctor. Second opinion can't hurt.你必须说服他另找一位医生看看。听听别的意见没害处。He was persuaded by his advisers to press ahead.顾问们说服他坚持下去。Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law.艾森豪威尔用他的影响力说服国会修改了该项法律。Salesmen use all sorts of clever tactics to persuade people to buy from them.销售人员利用各种聪明的手段说服人们购买。It took some doing, but I finally persuaded Jim to give me a few more days off.我费了不少工夫,但最终还是说服了吉姆再准我几天假。Do you think she could be prevailed upon to do those things?你觉得有可能说服她去做那些事情吗?He had no difficulty in persuading parliament to approve the treaty.他毫不费力地说服了议会通过该条约。He talked his wife out of buying that expensive dress.说服妻子不买那件昂贵的衣服。Wurman also convinces corporate sponsors to foot the bill for most of the incidentals.沃尔曼还说服了企业赞助商为大部分杂费买单。Why waste your time trying to convince him? He won't change his mind.为什么要浪费时间说服他?他不会改变主意的。I'll try to talk her around.我会尽量说服她。Neil didn't want to come at first, but we persuaded him.尼尔起初不肯来,但是我们把他说服了。He has the ability to snow anybody.他有本领用花言巧语去说服任何人。The Secretary of State has given in to special pleading.国务卿已被那些诡辩之词给说服了。We need to persuade parents that almost all vaccines are harmless.我们要说服家长,几乎所有的疫苗都是无害的。He persuaded a narrow majority of the party to support the government.说服了该党派中的微弱多数,让他们支持政府。I've tried and tried, but I can't persuade him to change his mind.我试了又试,但没法说服他改变主意。I sold the bank on giving me a loan.说服银行贷款给我。I recruited my brother to drive us to the concert.说服哥哥开车送我们去音乐会。You find out what their needs are, and zero in, convincing them that you are the answer.你搞清楚他们的需求是什么,然后集中精力说服他们,选你就对了。He talked me into marrying him.说服了我嫁给他。Our greatest problem is convincing them.我们最大的问题就是要说服他们。She succeeded in persuading the jury to accept her version of the events.她成功地说服了陪审团接受她对事件的看法。I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else.我自己都不会相信,更别提说服别人了。He was always trying to persuade me to go out drinking with him.他老是想法子说服我和他一起出去喝酒。The whip's job is to persuade members of his party to support the party line on issues that come before Congress.党鞭的任务是说服本党党员在提交国会的问题上支持党的路线。I'll try to nail Jim down about the date.我会试着说服吉姆同意这个日期。You can try and persuade her to change her mind, but I don't think it'll do any good.你可以试试说服她改变主意,不过我觉得这没什么用。She says she doesn't agree with it, but we'll talk her around eventually. 她说她不同意这事,但我们最终会说服她的。It is difficult to persuade the superpowers to disarm.说服超级大国裁军是很难的。The professor convinced me through the sprightliness of her conversation.教授透过她轻快的谈话说服了我。The program hopes to persuade school children not to try smoking or drugs.该计划旨在说服学童不要尝试吸烟和吸毒。Her lawyers convinced her to cop a plea.她的几位律师说服她承认有罪以求轻判。Leo wouldn't agree, despite our efforts to persuade him.尽管我们努力想说服利奥,他还是不同意。George almost persuaded me to abandon my studies and join him.乔治差点就说服了我放弃学业跟他合作。His performance persuaded the selectors that he should be included in the team.他的表现说服了队员选拔人而被吸收入队。Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket.乔伊斯说服我买了一件新夹克衫。It is difficult to persuade them to disarm.说服他们放下武器是很难的。I realised early on there was no point in throwing your weight around. You had to persuade people to do things.我早就意识到没必要摆架子,你得说服别人去做事才行。He harangued his fellow students and persuaded them to walk out.他对他的同学慷慨陈词说服他们罢课。




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