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They're all at sea when it comes to history.谈到历史时,他们十分茫然。The sea heaved and frothed as the winds rose.随着风力加大,大海波涛汹涌,白沫四溅。The ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea.船随着海水的起伏节奏时起时落。The boat slowly drifted out to sea.小船慢慢地漂向大海。The ship was suddenly swamped and all its passengers spilled into the sea.轮船突然沉没,船上乘客全都掉进海里。The sea wall at Southend is being reinforced with tons of cement.绍森德的海堤正在用大量的水泥加固。The sea shells are pounded into small fragments by the Atlantic.大西洋水流的冲击使得贝壳都碎成了小片。He went to sea at a young age.他很小的时候就开始当水手了。In the storm the sky and sea were indistinguishable.暴风雨中分不清哪是天,哪是海。Until recently, commercial fishermen had been allowed to shoot sea lions if they tried to steal their catch.直至最近,商业渔民才获准在海狮打算偷吃他们的渔获的情况下将其射杀。By the time the sea rescue service arrived, the ship had gone under.海上救援队赶到时,船已沉没了。The moon's reflection glazed the sea with yellow.月亮的倒影给大海抹上了一层黄色。In the past the sea level was much higher, as is witnessed by remnants of raised beaches.过去海平面要高得多,这些高出来的海岸遗迹可以作证。They threw off their clothes and jumped in the sea.他们扯下衣服跳入大海。You're altogether at sea in your guesses.你猜得完全离谱了。The melting ice caused a rise in sea level.冰川消融造成海平面上升。They put to sea in a car buoyed up by Styrofoam in a bold attempt to cross the Atlantic.他们开着一辆泡沫塑料助浮的汽车出海,大胆地尝试跨越大西洋。They put to sea in the morning.他们在上午起航。It's dangerous to swim in the sea here because the current is so strong.在这块海域游泳有危险,因为水流很急。The sea sparkled in the sun.大海在阳光下波光粼粼。The hills roll down to the sea.高低起伏的山丘一直绵延至大海。She scanned the vast sea of faces below her.她扫视了一遍下面的无数张面孔。The hill commands the sea.这座山俯临大海。He always used to tell us about his adventures at sea.他以前一直喜欢和我们讲述他在海上冒险的经历。Year after year, the sea is biting off chunks of the land.海水年复一年地冲掉大片陆地。The ship could make no headway in the rough sea.航船在惊涛骇浪中无法前进。I was afloat in a sea of indecision.我十分犹豫。She'd never heard the sound of sea gulls crying by the shore.她从未听到过海鸥在岸边啼叫的声音。The teacher looked down and saw a sea of smiling faces.老师向下看去,看到一张张微笑的脸庞。Dawn came, the sea calmed, but the cold was as bitter as ever.破晓,海面平静下来,但依旧寒冷刺骨。The crowd stood under a sea of brightly coloured umbrellas.人群站在鲜艳的伞海之下。She could see a figure sitting immobile, facing the sea.她看到一个人影坐着一动不动,面对着大海。The ship was completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom.这条船被完全埋到海底松软的肥土里。The ship reeled on the rough sea.船只在汹涌的海面上颠簸不止。The turbulent sea tossed the small boat like a cork.汹涌的海浪将小船像软木塞一样抛来抛去。Special drilling equipment is being used to tunnel beneath the sea bed.在海底下面挖隧道用的是特殊的钻探设备。A tempest arose and they were drowned at sea.起了大风暴,他们淹死在海里。The protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea.这些抗议行动的目的是为了阻止向海里倾倒有害的工业废料。He went out to sea, and never saw his kindred again.他出海后再也没见过家人。Scientists have noticed that climate changes seem to go hand in hand with sea-level changes.科学家注意到气候变化似乎与海平面的改变密切相关。 |