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词汇 scouting
例句 I spent most of my time scouting around for books.我把大部分时间都用来找书了。What he liked best about scouting was camping out.童子军活动中他最喜欢的就是在外面露营。I spent most of my time scouting about for books.我大部分时间都在寻找书籍。Fanny had been scouting about for somewhere to live.范妮一直在找住的地方。She had a vague job scouting new talent for Universal.她以前的工作职责不大明确,大概是为环球影片公司发掘新人。The scouting camp is a meat market for pro football candidates.这个童子军营是职业橄榄球候选队员的选秀场。I have people scouting the hills already.我已经派人搜查这些山丘了。The art department had been scouting for photogenic buildings in London.该艺术部门一直在伦敦四处搜寻适合上镜的建筑物。I'm scouting round for a place to stay.我在找个住的地方。He has been scouting locations in Ghana.他一直在侦察加纳的一些地方。They are scouting about for the next Bond.他们在寻找下一个邦德扮演者。They arrived in Brisbane scouting for locations.他们到了布里斯班,在寻找合适的落脚点。




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