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词汇 掩埋
例句 The remains lay buried under layer upon layer of black earth.遗址被黑土层层掩埋Latest reports say that mud slides buried entire villages.最新报道说泥石流掩埋了整个整个的村庄。The town was buried under a river of molten lava.小镇被掩埋在熔岩的巨流之下。The men were caught in the act of digging up buried explosives.那些人在挖掘掩埋的爆炸物时被逮个正着。The city was entombed in volcanic lava.城市被火山熔岩掩埋Britain dumps more of its waste than any other European country.英国掩埋的垃圾比任何一个欧洲国家都要多。The city was entombed in volcanic lava.这座城市被火山熔岩掩埋You can reduce the risk of being avalanched before you even leave your hotel.你甚至在离开酒店之前就可以降低被雪掩埋的风险。Their house was buried by a landslide.他们的房子在一次塌方中被掩埋All the garbage of this city is transported to large-sized landfills and buried.所有这个城市的垃圾都被运送到大型掩埋掩埋Many reptiles bury their eggs.许多爬行动物把它们下的蛋掩埋起来。They dug a pit to bury the bodies in.他们挖坑掩埋那些尸体。The mourners threw flowers into the open grave.哀悼者把鲜花投进未掩埋的墓穴。He was buried/trapped by an avalanche.一场雪崩把他掩埋/困住了。Many organisms that die in the sea are soon buried by sediment.海洋里死亡的许多生物会很快被沉淀物掩埋Many civilians were secretly killed and buried by soldiers.许多平民被士兵秘密杀害后掩埋了。A ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to bury their dead.人们呼吁停火以便幸存者能够掩埋他们死去的亲人。Farmers were dumping or burying the diseased carcasses.农民在倾倒或掩埋病死牲畜的尸体。The violent winds buried the village in sand.狂风把村子掩埋在沙中。Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera.为防止霍乱爆发正在进行大规模掩埋




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