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词汇 sap
例句 He'll lie around and let some other poor sap do all the work.他会懒洋洋地无所事事,把工作都丢给别的傻瓜。The poor sap believed everything she told him.他这个可怜的傻子相信她说的每一句话。The pine trees dripped sap onto the cars.松树的树脂滴落在汽车上。The high concentration of sugars forms a syrup when the sap evaporates.当树汁中的水分蒸发时,糖分就浓缩成糖浆。The sap of this plant blisters the skin.这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。Little insects were often unlucky and got stuck in this sap.一些小昆虫常常不幸粘到了松脂里。The poor sap really believed Volvano would help him.这可怜的傻瓜真的相信沃尔华诺会帮他。The tree was oozing sap.树正在渗出树液。They spend their lives below ground sucking sap from roots.它们生活在地下,靠吸食根液为生。Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是由甜槭树提取液制成的。When trees are pruned they bleed sap.修剪树木时会渗出液汁。The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.树叶、树皮和树汁也是当地草药的常用药材。Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass.让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。It was spring, and the sap was rising.春天到了,植物汁液在增多。The tree sap is believed to have healing powers.据说这种树液具有治愈能力。It is best to coppice the trees in the winter before the sap rises.最好在冬天就修剪这些树木,不要等到树汁增多。The sap is very sticky.这种植物汁液非常黏。The sap used to make maple syrup is a natural product.用于制作枫糖浆的汁液是一种天然物质。The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples.天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。Maple syrup is obtained from the sap of the sugar maple tree.槭糖浆是从糖槭树的树汁中提取的。Don't you know I was kidding, you sap?笨蛋,你不知道我是在开玩笑吗? The tree was weeping sap where the branch had been torn off.树枝被掰掉的地方在流树液。Too many irons in the fire can sap your energy and prevent you from seeing which path to take.同时做太多事会使你精力衰竭,让你不知道该做哪件事。You don't know what a sap she is.你不知道她有多笨。The rate of sap circulation decreases during the winter.汁液的流动速度冬天会下降。The world's whole sap is sunk.整个世界元气大丧。




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