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词汇 salad
例句 She practiced her alchemy in the kitchen, turning a pile of vegetables into a delicious salad.她在厨房大显身手,把一堆蔬菜变成了一份美味的沙拉。A simple salad and fresh bread can make a delightful meal.简简单单的沙拉、新鲜的面包,就可以是令人吃得开心的一餐了。I didn't like the look of the salad so I didn't touch it.我不喜欢那色拉的卖相,所以没吃。I tossed the salad with some oil and vinegar and set it on the table.我将这盘蔬菜沙拉用油和醋拌了拌,摆放在餐桌上。Wash and dry the salad leaves and set them aside.把沙拉菜叶洗洗沥干,放到一边。I threw together a salad.我随便做了一份沙拉。I am not fond of salad.我不喜欢吃沙拉。The Grand Hotel did not seem to have changed since her salad days.从她年少时候到现在,格兰德酒店似乎一直就没有变过。Here, you take over stirring the soup while I start making the salad.现在你来搅拌一下汤,我去做沙拉。The chicken salad was served in dainty pastry shells.鸡肉色拉盛放在精致的面饼壳里。In Spain, the midday meal almost always starts with tomato salad.在西班牙,午饭几乎总是以番茄沙拉开始的。The salad had such an excess of chilli that it was almost inedible.色拉里辣椒放得太多,都快没法吃了。He jokingly referred to dinner as a Hobson's choice between soup and salad or salad and soup.他开玩笑地说晚餐完全没有选择余地,永远是汤和沙拉或者沙拉和汤。Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl.在色拉碗的内壁上抹一点橄榄油。I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad.我点了意大利面条和一份什锦色拉。The salad dressing was very oily.沙拉酱很油腻。The sandwiches came with a salad garnish.这些三明治配有色拉饰菜。They offer their customers a choice between soup or salad.他们准备了汤和沙拉,顾客可以任选其一。Our favorite Italian restaurant makes its own fresh bread and salad dressing, not to mention a great spaghetti sauce.我们最喜欢的意大利餐厅有自制的新鲜面包和沙拉酱,更不要说美味的意大利细面条酱了。Cover and chill the salad until ready to serve.将色拉加盖冷藏后再上桌。Leftover chicken makes a wonderful salad.剩下的鸡肉可做成一盘美味色拉。The mayonnaise binds the salad together.蛋黄酱使沙拉粘在了一起。Drizzle a little French dressing over the salad.在沙拉上洒些法式调料。Arrange the salad in a serving dish.把色拉在餐盘中摆放好。He polished off a large steak, salad, broccoli swimming in thick sauce, and half a litre of wine.他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。Chop the celery and add it to the salad.把芹菜切碎放到色拉里。The soup and salad complement each other well.这道汤和沙拉搭配正好。Add a soupçon of salt to the salad.在色拉里加一点儿盐。I've put some plastic wrap over the salad.我已经在色拉上罩了保鲜膜。Excuse me, but the bill isn't right - we didn't have a Caesar salad.对不起,账单不对,我们没点过凯撒沙拉。She managed to rustle up a delicious meal with just a little salad and some eggs.她只用了一点儿沙拉和几个鸡蛋,就迅速做成了一顿美餐。I'm not that hungry so a salad would go down nicely.我不是很饿,所以一份色拉就够了。He asked for a large portion of salad.他要了一大份色拉。The salad usually comes before the main course.沙拉一般要比主菜先上桌。I ordered a salad and fries at the drive-through.我在得来速服务窗口点了一份沙拉和炸薯条。She picked at a salad while I ate my steak.她磨磨蹭蹭地吃着沙拉,而我吃着牛排。Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad.选个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做沙拉。This was his favourite meal. Nothing fancy, just steak and salad.这是他最喜欢的饭菜,没有什么特别的,只是牛排和沙拉。She picked up the bag of salad and gave it a shake.她拿起色拉袋晃了晃。She uses lemon rather than vinegar in her salad dressings.在沙拉调料中,她用柠檬而不用醋。




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