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词汇 难关
例句 Every examination is a hurdle to Sally.每一次考试对萨莉来说都是难关He helped to pull me through the difficulty.他帮助我渡过了难关Politeness will bridge a lot of difficulties.待人以礼,会帮你度过不少难关If I can live through this, I can live through anything.如果我能渡过这个难关,那我就可以经受任何事了。I'm sure she will survive this crisis.我相信她会渡过这个难关的。It was a bad time for my family, but we managed to pull through it.那时候我家里很困难,但我们成功渡过了难关The president was fighting to survive.总统在争取挺过难关I think we're over the worst of it. Things should get better from now on.我认为我们已渡过了最大的难关,从现在起一切都会好起来。In the end, it was her passionate belief in justice that carried her through.最后,是她对公正的热忱信念帮助她渡过了难关You have already overcome the first major hurdle by passing the entrance exam.通过入学考试你就已经越过了第一大难关Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven't found the final pieces of the puzzle.研究者马上就要找到解决方案了,但还有最后一道难关Her confidence carried her through.自信心帮助她渡过了难关She gave them a loan to help get them out of their financial hole. 她贷款给他们,以帮助他们渡过经济难关It is only our determination to fight that has pulled us through.正是我们坚持战斗的决心帮我们渡过了难关He'd never have managed on his own, but his colleagues have pulled him through.他一个人决不可能做到,但是他的同事们帮他度过了难关Can you lend me some money to tide me over? I'm a bit skint at the moment.你能借点钱给我渡难关吗?我眼下穷得叮当响。She decided to jump in at the deep end, buy a farm, and teach herself.她决定独闯难关,买下一个农场,自己摸索着干。There are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to deal with when adopting a child.要收养儿童,必须克服许多官僚体制上的难关Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.私有企业愿意投巨资帮助俄罗斯渡过经济难关Requiring school uniforms can be a financial hurdle for the poor.要求穿校服对穷人来说是经济上的一道难关Two-thirds of candidates fail at this first hurdle and are packed off home.三分之二的候选人在第一个难关就败下阵来,只好打包回家了。We'll jump each hurdle as we come to it.我们会跨越我们遇到的每一道难关Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森接连借了几笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关Jason had helped him out with a loan, until he could get back on an even keel.贾森借了一笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关He charged himself with the task of overcoming a technical difficulty.他自动承担了攻克技术难关的任务。The manager of the hotel chain claims that they have turned the corner.那家连锁酒店的经理声称他们已渡过这个难关The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.家人和朋友的爱支撑着我渡过了难关It was a difficult time but they managed to ride out the storm.那段时间很困难,但他们还是渡过了难关She would have to call on all her strength if she was to survive the next few months.要想渡过未来几个月的难关,她就必须竭尽全力。It was a crisis year for the company, but we have pulled through.对公司来说这是艰难的一年,但我们还是度过了难关He said the support of his fans had pulled him through.他说他的崇拜者们的支持帮他渡过了难关The first big hurdle in putting your car on the road is getting insurance.让车子上路的第一大难关就是购买保险。We should be able to get out of this mess, provided we stick together.只要我们同心协力,就能渡过这个难关The soldiers' courage carried them through.战士们鼓足勇气,渡过了难关His courage carried him through.他的勇气使他渡过了难关We've turned the financial corner.我们已渡过了财政上的难关Their courage carried them through.他们的勇气使他们渡过了难关An orienteering race is often a sequence of challenges.定向越野常是一种需奋力突破接二连三难关的运动。His determination pulled him through.他的决心帮助他渡过了难关We got through the ordeal by taking one day at a time. 我们挺过了一天又一天,终于渡过了难关




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