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词汇 难办
例句 It's going to be difficult – time is short.难办了 — 时间不够。The longer you let it ride, the harder it will be to fix later.这事儿你拖得越久,以后就越难办That won't take a lot of doing.那件事并不难办This is a difficult case which needs sensitive and skilful handling.这是个难办的案子,需要谨慎对待、巧妙处理。It would be very tricky to try to stabilize the region without the support of other countries.如果没有其他国家的帮助,想要稳定该地区是很难办到的。Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier.限制车速容易,但强制司机遵守这些限速规定就难办多了。May I speak to you personally about this difficult matter?这件事情很难办,我可以跟你个别谈谈吗?The new financial arrangements were awkward to manage.新的财务安排很难办It's a bit awkward, because he's my friend but I'm still his boss.这有点难办,因为他是我的朋友,可我还是他的老板。The best that can be done is to make things as difficult as possible.最好的办法就是把事情弄得尽可能地难办Difficulties arise where there's a difference of opinion.意见不一致时就比较难办了。The choke point was overcoming the social issues.难办的是要克服社会问题。Single parents take it hard when their children act up.孩子捣蛋时,单亲父母会觉得很难办Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do.啊,这事可难办了。She found it impossible to eat lightly.她发现要吃得少很难办到。He never talked to the media or got his hands dirty in any way.他从来不和媒体打交道,也不做什么难办的事。It's rather a large order to diagnose a patient sight unseen.在未经检查的情况下给病人下诊断结论是件相当难办的事。He seems to take perverse pleasure/delight in making things as difficult as possible.他似乎故意把事情搞得尽可能难办而从中获取反常的乐趣。You're just making things more difficult for yourself.你把事情弄得让自己更难办了。They've given themselves a difficult task.他们给自己找了件难办的事。They gave me the tough job of telling applicants that they'd been rejected.他们把难办的差事交给了我,要我通知求职者他们的申请被拒了。




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