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词汇 rusting
例句 The paint prevents rusting.这种油漆防锈。The ship's rusting hulk is still visible on the rocks.那艘船生锈的残骸仍然暴露在礁石上。Of all three cars, the rear light surrounds were pimpling and the bumpers had begun rusting.三辆汽车的尾灯周围均在起疙瘩,保险杠也已开始生锈。Sheets of tin lay rusting on a dump.一张张锡板在垃圾堆上生锈。There was an old rusting bolt on the door.门上有一个生锈的旧门闩。The car had been rusting away in his garage for years.汽车长年放在他的车库里已经锈蚀不堪。This had once been the greatest port in the world, now it was a graveyard of rusting cranes.这里一度是全球最大的港口,现在堆满了锈迹斑斑的吊车。The old factory is now a rusting dinosaur.这个旧工厂现已成了一堆无用的废物。The barn was full of rusting old farm machinery.谷仓里全是些锈迹斑斑的旧农耕机械。




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