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词汇 run out of
例句 All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings.铃声一响,学生们都从教室里跑出来。I've run out of petrol.我的汽油用完了。The home team seemed to run out of steam well before the game was over.早在比赛结束之前,主队似乎就已筋疲力尽了。My worst fear was that we would run out of food.我最大的担忧是我们会吃光食物。A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.有几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。We've run out of gas? Son of a bitch!我们的车没油了?见鬼!I'm not likely to run out of money, but all the same, I'm careful.我不大可能会没有钱用,尽管如此,我还是很小心。Given the unlikelihood of a tax increase, these programs will probably run out of funding next year.鉴于税收增加的可能性不大,明年这些计划的资金可能会耗尽。We had run out of money, and the situation looked pretty hopeless.我们用光了钱,形势看来已到山穷水尽的地步了。Teachers refused to run out of hours sports matches because they weren't being paid.教师拒绝课余安排体育比赛,因为他们不会获得薪酬。Mary never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations.玛丽对如何巧妙地布置社交聚会会场有用之不尽的主意。We've run out of floor cleaner.我们的地板清洁剂用完了。The camp had almost run out of food when helicopters arrived with fresh supplies.营里的食品差不多已经耗尽了,这时直升机运来了新鲜的补给。The honey runs out of a tap at the bottom of the drum.蜂蜜从鼓形圆桶底部的一个旋塞流出来。The team seemed to have run out of gas.球队似乎已经筋疲力尽了。The printer has run out of paper.打印机里没有纸了。I'm sorry to cut you short, Mrs Shaw, but I'm afraid we've run out of time.打断您的话我很抱歉,肖太太,但恐怕我们没有时间了。We've run out of coffee. Worse still, we can't get any more until tomorrow.咖啡已经喝完了。更糟糕的是,我们必须等到明天才能有新的。We've run out of bog paper. 卫生纸用完了。The car had run out of gas so they pushed it into a side-street.车子耗尽了汽油,于是他们把它推进小路。I've run out of books and need to root up some more.我没书看了,得再找几本来。Before I could say a word, he'd snatched the keys from the table and run out of the room.我还没来得及说话,他就从桌子上抓起钥匙跑出了房间。As the militants gather, there is concern that the protest might again run out of control.随着激进分子的聚集,人们担心抗议活动可能会再次失去控制。By the time they got back to the camp, they had nearly run out of water.他们回到营地时,水差不多已喝完了。I usually just let her yell until she runs out of steam.我通常就任她叫喊,直到她喊累了为止。I was making good progress this morning, but now I'm starting to run out of steam.我早上进度很快,但现在快没精力了。He was afraid he would run out of steam before the end of the race.他担心自己还没跑到终点就筋疲力尽了。Sod it! We've run out of petrol.该死!我们没有汽油了。The first two laps took most of the run out of him.跑完头两圈他几乎就没力气了。He's run out of excuses for not cleaning his room.他再也找不到不清扫房间的理由了。Filthy water runs out of the pipe every day.污水每天从管道中流出来。I'm sorry, we seem to have run out of time. Thanks to everyone who took part.很抱歉,我们时间好像不够了。谢谢各位来参加。Recently, though, she seems to have run out of energy.然而,最近她好像已经精疲力竭了。They have run out of ideas.他们已经想不出任何办法了。Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year.地方政府等不到财年结束就会把钱花得一干二净。Those people have been waiting for hours, and they're starting to run out of patience. = They're starting to lose patience.那些人已经等了几个小时,他们开始失去耐心。Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.事实证明,对全球燃料即将耗尽的担忧是毫无根据的。The peace talks seem to have run out of steam.和谈好像突然失去了动力。She'll come home when she runs out of money, that's for sure.她把钱花完就会回家,那是肯定的。I'll have to stop you there - we've run out of time.我只好让你在那儿打住,我们已经没有时间了。




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