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词汇 stick to
例句 I think we should stick to our original plan.我想我们应该坚持我们最初的计划。I'm going on a diet and, so help me, this time I'll stick to it!我要节食,我发誓,这回我一定会坚持下去。We have to stick to the agreed price.对于已经商定好的价格,我们不能变卦。I wish he'd stick to the subject.我希望他紧扣主题。I admire her for the way she sticks to her guns.我钦佩她坚持自己观点的态度。Could you stick to the point, please?请不要离题,好吗?Unfortunately historic American fiction is constantly being used as a stick to beat contemporary British writers with.不幸的是,经典的美国小说经常被用来作为批评当代英国作家的依据。She sticks to the principle that everyone should be treated equally.她坚持一视同仁的准则。Work out a weekly budget and stick to it.编制一个每周预算并严格执行。We must stick to our promise whether or no.不管怎样,我们必须遵守诺言。Let's stick to discussing whether the road should be built at all. The exact cost is beside the point.我们还是继续讨论这条路到底该不该建的问题吧。确切的造价不是问题的根本。It's impossible if you stick to the rules.如果你坚持按规矩办事,那这事就得告吹。You'd better stick to your last.你最好还是做自己分内的事。Inadvertently he gave his enemies a stick to beat him with.他一时疏忽让敌人抓住了把柄。If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it! 如果你想要成功,就必须坚持下去。Hungarian goulash sticks to the ribs on cold winter nights.匈牙利炖牛肉让人在冬天的夜晚吃得心满意足。I tend to stick to fresh fruit for pudding.我一直坚持用新鲜水果做甜点。The party must stick to its beliefs.党必须坚持自己的信仰。We were able to stick to the main issue without incidental grievances being dragged in.没有了附带扯进去的牢骚话,我们就能够紧扣主题。Scatter sprinkles over the top of the cake and press on them gently so that they stick to the chocolate.在蛋糕面上撒些彩糖并轻轻按下,让它们粘在巧克力上。The soil sticks to the blade and blocks the plough.土粘在犁铧上,卡住了犁。I do wish you'd stick to the point.我非常希望你不要离题。Let's stick to the facts.Will is, taking it all in all,only will.咱们还是别离开现实,愿望毕竟只是愿望。So much public money sticks to the fingers of the heads of state.大笔大笔的公款被国家元首们侵吞。Most people would prefer to stick to tried and tested methods of birth control.大多数人都会选择继续使用已经反复验证过的节约方法。It is imperative to stick to your budget.严格按照预算行事是非常重要的。Having chosen a meditation it is important that you stick to that meditation for, at the very least, a fortnight.选择了一种冥想方法后,至少要坚持练习两周时间,这一点非常重要。The employees who run the meetings stick to a strict agenda.负责会议的雇员严格坚持既定议程。Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands.把面团一直揉到不粘手为止。If you make a promise, you should stick to it.如果你作出了承诺,就必须遵守。The pneumatic robot uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.气动机器人利用空气来移动,靠吸力附着于各种表面。He is a man who sticks to his friends.他是个忠于朋友的人。If you're both going to lie, at least stick to the same story and don't contradict each other!如果你们俩都要撒谎,至少也要口径一致,不要互相矛盾!It's right to stick to the principles, but not to stand on.是应该坚持原则,可也不能太拘泥呀。We said we'd give her the cash, and we must stick to our agreement.我们说过会给她现金,我们就必须信守我们的约定。Deposits of lime will stick to the surface and build up over the years.沉淀的石灰会附着在表面上,年复一年日渐变厚。Please stick to the topic.请紧扣主题。The boys poked the fish with sticks to see if it was still alive那些男孩子用木棒戳那条鱼看它是否还活着。Try to work out a monthly budget and stick to it.尽量做出每月的预算并且坚持贯彻下去。Please stick to the script/subject/rules.请按照讲稿/话题/规则往下进行。




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