例句 |
The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more.锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。The more he spoke, the more he warmed to his subject.他就他的话题越讲越有劲。 Richard was so strong he could pitchfork a bale of straw high onto a trailer.理查德非常有劲,他能把一捆稻草高高叉到拖车上。The paradox of exercise is that, while using a lot of energy, it seems to generate more.锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。Jessica always perks up when Richard comes over.杰茜卡总是理查德一来就有劲了。A little food will pick you up.吃一点东西你就会有劲的。 |