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词汇 有力的
例句 He was knocked out by a hard right to the jaw.他被对手有力的右手拳击中下颌,倒下了。Smith did an effective demolition job on his opponent's ideas.史密斯对对手的观点进行了有力的抨击。He slammed the ball over the net with a powerful backhand stroke.他用一记有力的反手击球把球猛击过网。He played some powerful backhand strokes throughout the game.比赛中他打出了几次有力的反手球。His lethal backhand gave him a distinct advantage over his opponent.有力的反手击球使他比起对手具有明显的优势。The pitcher's slider is his most effective weapon.这名投手的滑行曲线球是他最有力的武器。It is very, very strong evidence indeed.这的确是非常非常有力的证据。He made a strong argument/case for keeping the center open.他为继续开放中心提出了有力的论证。Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.一些人以低息贷款的形式得到了有力的职业援助。Pelicans row by on slow, powerful wings.鹈鹕划动着有力的翅膀慢慢飞过。She received praise for her effective representation of Garcia during the trial.她因为在庭审时代表加西亚作了有力的辩护而受到赞扬。Let's do this show tonight and it'll be a great plug, a great promotion.我们今晚做这个节目吧,它会是一次很好的宣传、有力的推介。The language uses a lot of percussive sounds. 这种语言使用了许多短促有力的发音。The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with powerful strokes.罗马尼亚划桨手凭借有力的划水占据了领先位置。The most telling condemnation of the system was that it failed to fulfil its function.对这一制度最有力的谴责是它没能发挥其应有的作用。Powerful advertising can convince people to buy almost anything.宣传有力的广告可以说服人们购买几乎任何东西。Focus on making a short, firm follow-through.集中精力完成简短而有力的随球动作。She was effectively challenging the whole basis on which society was run.她对社会运转的整个基础提出了有力的质疑。The team has been transformed from perennial losers into real contenders.这个队已经从常败队转变成了有力的竞争者。His strong handshake betokens his self-confidence.有力的握手显示出他的自信。She saved her most potent argument for the end of the speech.她将自己最有力的论证留在最后说。He hit a hard/soft line drive to the shortstop.他朝游击手打出一记有力的/无力的平直球。The new government embarked upon an energetic legislative programme.新政府开始实施一项有力的立法方案。They have delivered the terrorists a telling blow.他们已给恐怖分子有力的痛击。The government gave a strong argument in favour of increasing tuition fees.政府给出有力的论据支持提高学费。With powerful strokes she pulled ahead of the others.凭借着有力的划水动作,她超过了其他人。Imagine the pounding feet of an early morning jogger.想象一下清早慢跑者轻快有力的脚步。The strongest weapon in the government's armoury is the price cuts announced on Saturday.政府最有力的对策是在星期六宣布价格下调。A heavy metal ring provides anchorage for the cable.结实的金属环成为铁索有力的固定物。So far we have had ringing declarations, but only limited action.目前,我们已经发表了一些有力的声明,但只采取了有限的行动。He was praised for his firm leadership.他因坚定有力的领导而受到了赞扬。He was able to bring forth persuasive arguments in support of his position.他可以拿出有力的论据来支持自己的观点。She had the ammunition to prove her case. 对于自己的案件,她拥有有力的证据。What this state needs is really strong government.这个国家需要的是一个健全有力的政体。My experience as a manager is my strongest credential.当经理的经历就是对我最有力的证明。The film was a dark, powerful allegory of life in post-war America.这部电影是一个深沉有力的寓言故事,反映了美国的战后生活。Menzies' counsel put up a spirited defence of his client.孟席斯的辩护律师为他进行了一番有力的辩护。A man's wife always pulls a pretty strong oar.一个男人的妻子总是起着相当有力的影响。Few will forget his eloquent defence of individual freedom.很少有人会忘记他为捍卫个人自由所作的有力的抗辩。He made a powerful speech, massacring his opponents.他作了一次有力的发言,彻底击败了他的对手。




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