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A little gentle encouragement is all that is needed to put this promising author into the ranks of the high-flyers.只需稍加鼓励就足可让这位有前途的作者晋身一流作家的行列。Her school report described her as a very promising pupil.在她的成绩单中她被描述成一个非常有前途的学生。The tragic downhills have brought many promising careers to an end.悲剧性的下坡路断送了许多有前途的生涯。And, too, is there any future for the Dunebuggy in Britain?再说,沙丘汽车在英国能有前途吗?She's been hailed as one of the best young dancers today.她被誉为当今最有前途的年轻舞蹈家之一。The Tigers made a few good trades this season and picked up some promising players.本赛季,老虎队和其他队进行了几次不错的球员交换,得到了一些有前途的球员。I hope the exhibitors will be able to connect up with promising new employees.我希望参展商们能遇见有前途的新员工。He has a future as a singer.他作为歌手是有前途的。She set up the gallery so that up-and-coming artists could exhibit their work.她创建这家画廊,为的是有前途的艺术家能在此展出他们的作品。Her early novels were full of promise. 她的早期小说非常有前途。Jonathan is one of our most promising employees.乔纳森是我们最有前途的雇员之一。They won the award for the most promising new band of the year.他们赢得了该年度最有前途新乐队奖。What seemed a promising job turned into months of boredom and drudgery.看似有前途的职位结果变成了数月无聊乏味的工作。To discuss the company's future begs the question of whether it has a future.要讨论这家公司的前途问题,不得不问一句:这家公司还有前途吗?She showed some nimble footwork and looked a promising player.她展示出的步法极其灵活,看来是一个有前途的运动员。He was, moreover, a poet of promise.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人。Life was hopeful and full of promise.生活是充满希望、富有前途的。Privatization seems to offer the best hope for the industry.对这个行业来说,私有化似乎最有前途。A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former pupils.一所学校给曾在这里就读的最聪明、最有前途的一位学生授予了荣誉头衔。He sacrificed a promising career to look after his handicapped daughter.他为了照顾有残疾的女儿牺牲了一份有前途的职业。Of all the backup fuels, methanol is seen as the most promising alternative to gasoline.在所有的代用燃料中,甲醇被认为是最有前途的汽油代用品。 |