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词汇 rubbish
例句 Why does everyone rubbish my ideas?为什么大家都把我的想法批得一文不值?The streets were strewn with rubbish after the parade.狂欢节过后,街上到处是垃圾。The garden is littered with rubbish.花园里满是乱扔的废物。I had to pick through the rubbish to find my electricity bill.我不得不在垃圾堆里翻找我的电费缴费单。The food at the Royal Oak is rubbish.罗亚尔奥克的食物非常糟糕。He's talking rubbish.他在胡说八道。There's so much rubbish lying around the streets.街上有那么多垃圾。The sickening stench of rotting rubbish rose into the air.垃圾的腐臭味泛入空气中,令人作呕。People are much more selective about what they watch on TV these days, and they don't want to be fobbed off with any old rubbish.如今人们看电视挑剔多了,那些乱七八糟的旧东西哄不了他们。When are you going to shift all this rubbish? It's making the place look a real mess.你什么时候把这些垃圾搬走?这个地方看上去实在是太乱了。Overnight the waves had washed up a lot of rubbish.一夜之间海水将大量垃圾冲上了岸。Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses.居民得到劝告不要把垃圾袋放在房屋外面的人行道上。I forgot to put the rubbish out this morning.我今天早晨忘了把垃圾拿出去让人收走。That's the most absolute nonsense/rubbish I ever heard!那是我听过的最无理的胡说八道!Uncollected rubbish is already piling up on the streets.未清收的垃圾已经堆满了街道。The dustmen collect the rubbish on Wednesdays.垃圾工人逢星期三来收垃圾。The streets were littered with rubbish.街道上到处丢弃着垃圾。Who said they were cheaper - what a load of rubbish!谁说便宜来着——简直就是一堆垃圾!Officers had found a large bread knife on the rubbish tip…警察在垃圾场发现了一把很大的面包刀。Contemporary arbiters of taste dismissed his paintings as rubbish.当代鉴赏家把他的画斥为垃圾。I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。There's nothing on TV tonight, other than the usual rubbish.今晚的电视除了惯常的垃圾,再没别的了。You don't believe that rubbish, do you?你是不会相信那些鬼话的吧?The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.浣熊弄翻垃圾箱找吃的,把垃圾弄得满地都是。I don't know why he bothers me with this kind of rubbish.我不明白他为何用这种烂事来烦我。Great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.大群海鸥聚集在垃圾堆和污水排放口处。I'll bollock him for sticking his rubbish in my cupboard.他把乱七八糟的东西塞进了我的柜子里,我要好好骂他一顿。We need more rubbish bins, footpaths and grassed areas.我们需要更多的垃圾箱、人行道和绿地。I think she's talking a lot of nonsense/rubbish/drivel.我认为她在胡说八道。The cupboard is full up with rubbish.橱里塞满了破烂。Your article is full of some of the most opinionated rubbish I have ever read.你的文章充斥着我所读过的一些最为偏执的胡言乱语。We live in a street off Soho Road and there's rubbish tipped everywhere.我们住在离索霍路不远的一条街上,那里到处都是乱倒的垃圾。Please, pick the rubbish up off the ground.请捡起掉在地上的垃圾。He described her book as absolute rubbish.他说她的书一文不值。The food at that restaurant is complete rubbish.那家餐馆的饭菜简直没法吃。They sell a lot of rubbish at the market.他们把大量垃圾物品拿到市场上销售。I tried playing golf, but I was rubbish.我尝试打高尔夫球,但是打得很差劲。The vast majority of books on the subject are complete rubbish.有关这一话题的绝大多数书籍都是一派胡言。Residents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.居民们呼吁展开一次清洁卫生运动,让街头没有垃圾。I find it amazing that anyone should want to listen to such rubbish.我觉得很惊讶,竟然有人想听这种废话。




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