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词汇 routes
例句 The scheme is designed to relieve traffic congestion on the main routes into the city.该方案的设计是为了缓解城市主干道的交通拥挤。If you don't enjoy driving on the main highways, try some of the rural routes.你驾车要是不喜欢走大路,可以走走乡村邮道。They will now set about integrating their routes to link buses and trains across Britain.他们即将着手整合道路,使之与全英国的公交车和火车连接起来。He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。There is a limited service on these bus routes.这些线路上的公交班次不多。Pan Am accepted an offer to sell its African and Asian routes.泛美航空公司接受报价,同意出售它的非洲和亚洲航线。Their restaurant has the disadvantage of being located south of town, a little too far from the tourist routes.他们那家餐厅的缺点是位于城市的南面,离旅游路线稍稍远了些。Make sure children know the emergency evacuation routes.务必让孩子们知道紧急疏散路线。The airline will inaugurate five new routes this summer.这家航空公司今年夏天将推出五条新航线。The airline plans to auction its international routes to former competitors.这家航空公司打算把他们的国际线路拍卖给以前的竞争对手。Many kids have paper routes.许多孩子都送报。Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.这些区域也应该设专门的自行车道。Peripheral auto routes drain traffic from the city centre.外环高速公路把市中心的交通流量引开。All escape routes were blocked by armed police.所有逃跑的路都被武警封锁了。As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。The army cut off all escape routes.军队切断了所有逃跑路线。The airline's passenger brochure shows air-routes, aircraft speeds and arrival and departure times.航空公司的乘客指南上写明了航线、飞行速度,以及到达和起飞的时间。He is still bickering with the control tower over routes.在航线的问题上他仍与指挥塔台争执不下。Ferries are now still plodding obscure routes through obscure waters.渡船目前仍在沿着偏僻的航道驶过偏僻无名的水域。They have taken several routes to arrive at admittedly broadbrush estimates.他们通过多种途径才作出这些诚然是粗略的估计。Only a small elite among mountaineers can climb these routes.登山者中只有少数佼佼者才能攀登这些线路。Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.公共汽车线路和地上地下路轨都在该站交汇。Highway programs, except for the interstate routes, would be slashed.除了州际路线外,公路项目要大幅度削减。Only the best-trained captains could safely navigate these routes.只有最为训练有素的船长才能在这些路线上安全地航行。Its latest military offensive against rebel forces is aimed at reopening important trade routes.它对叛军的最新一轮军事进攻旨在重新打开重要的贸易通道。Traffic is backing up on all out-of-town routes.所有出城的道路都出现了交通堵塞。Unprofitable flight routes have been axed as recession hits the aviation industry.经济衰退影响航空业,无利可图的航线被削减了。The company plans to run trains on key intercity routes.公司计划在主要城际路线上开通火车。They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes.他们不再是垄断海外航线的两强之一。Plans for new city bus routes are still in the experimental stage. 城市公交路线的新方案还处于试验阶段。




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