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词汇 beard
例句 I'll have to beard the lion in his den when I go to ask my boss for a better job.我要去求老板给我一个较好的工作,到时候将不得不当面同他理论一番。Bill preened his beard.比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。The old man's beard was mostly grey.那位老人胡须大半花白。His beard gives him a very professorial look.他留着胡子看上去很像个教授。He shaved his beard.他刮掉了胡子。He has a long, straggly grey beard.他蓄着一把乱蓬蓬的灰白长髯。His chin was dismantled of its beard.他下巴上的胡须被刮掉了。He didn't dare to beard his superior.他不敢公然与上级对抗。His beard is straggly.他胡子拉碴的。Threads of silver ran through his beard and the hair at his temples.他的胡须和鬓发里夹杂着缕缕银丝。Jim stroked his beard reflectively.吉姆沉思着捋了捋胡须。My beard is getting grey.我的胡子开始变白了。The old priest stroked his white beard as he listened.老神父边听边摸着自己的白胡须。That's quite a beard you've grown, young man!你留的胡子可真大,年轻人!He scratched at his beard for a few seconds.他抓了几下胡子。He had two days' beard growth.他的胡须已经两天没刮了。He sprouted a beard since the last time I saw him.从我上次见他以后,他就长出胡子了。He wore a false beard to disguise himself.他贴了假胡子来伪装自己。He wore a false beard and a wig.他装假须戴假发。Anthony returned to work minus his beard.安东尼回来上班时,他的胡须不见了。He had a mustache and a short pointed beard.他留着髭须和短而尖的山羊胡。His beard had greyed.他的胡子花白了。Just because he has a beard doesn't necessarily mean he's a hippy.不能因为他蓄须就说他是嬉皮士。His beard was just beginning to show signs of grey.他的胡子才刚有点泛白。You've shaved off your beard.你把胡须剃掉了。His beard was showing some grey.他的胡子略显灰白。Most of his face was hidden by a beard.他的大半个脸都被胡子盖了起来。I wish he'd shave off that awful beard!我希望他把那难看的胡子刮掉!He stroked his beard thoughtfully.他若有所思地捋着胡子。She felt the prickle of his beard against her face.她感到他的胡子扎在脸上的刺痛。His white beard gave him the appearance of an old man. 他的白胡子使他看起来像是一位老者。He had thinning hair and a grizzled beard.他头发稀疏,胡子花白。He grew a beard and mustache.他曾留着络腮胡子和髭须。The beard was to make him appear more manly to the media and the public.留胡子是为了让他在媒体和公众面前显得更有男子气概。A large man with a long ginger beard stood in the doorway.门口站着一位身材魁梧、蓄着姜黄色长须的男子。He tried to grow a beard/mustache. 他想要留络腮胡/小胡子。He decided to cut off his beard.他决定把胡子剃了。The glasses and the beard lend him a rather scholarly aspect.他戴着眼睛,蓄着胡子,颇有一副学者的样子。She disguised herself as a man with a false beard.她戴上假须女扮男装。He wears a beard now.他现在留着胡须。




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