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词汇 roofs
例句 Storefront windows shattered and roofs blew off during the hurricane.刮飓风时,商店正面的橱窗玻璃被打得粉碎,屋顶也被掀掉了。The house fell into disrepair but a group of preservationists have reconstructed the roofs.这房子已年久失修,但是一群保护主义者已经重建了屋顶。All the houses have roofs with steep pitches to prevent the buildup of snow.所有房子的屋顶都是大坡度,以防积雪。The roofs were aflutter with flags.家家屋顶上旗帜猎猎。We could make out Edward's house across the bay, with red roofs and windows that caught the sun.我们看得清海湾那头爱德华的房子,红屋顶和玻璃窗在阳光下闪闪发光。Tenants do not have to worry about leaking roofs and broken washing machines.租房者无需担心屋顶漏水和洗衣机出故障。Some of the cars have concaved roofs.有些车的车顶呈凹形。They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.他们抱怨说被困在了警察局里,但实际上,有人看见他们大多数人通过毗邻的屋顶,安全地逃到了附近的建筑物内。The sun played on the frosty roofs.阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。In those days the houses all had flat roofs.那时候所有的房子都是平屋顶的。The roofs are constructed from heavy and durable timbers, usually teak or mahogany.屋顶采用经久耐用的实木,一般是柚木或红木建造。She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs.她打开了百叶窗,向外俯视着村里房子的屋顶。With flat roofs, you often find that rain collects in the corners.在平屋顶上经常会看到角落里积水。The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.纸被用来填塞墙壁和房顶的洞了。The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs.他们最神圣的教堂屋顶镀了金。The roofs are covered with stone slates.屋顶用石板覆盖。Firefighters hosed the roofs.消防队员用水龙带往屋顶喷水。The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs.他们最神圣的教堂屋顶鎏金。It was an ordinary church tower, a familiar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village.那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄的红瓦屋顶上方的一个常见景象。Swiss chalets have steeply slanting roofs, so that snow does not settle on them.瑞士木屋有十分陡的斜屋顶,所以雪不会堆积在上面。The house fell into disrepair but a group of preservationists have reconstructed the roofs.这座房子年久失修,但一群古建筑保护者已翻盖了房顶。City workers and volunteers are working feverishly to remove the heavy snow from the roofs of homes.市政工人和志愿者在紧张地忙碌着,将积雪从房顶上除去。Builders must fasten down roofs of newly-built homes more securely.建造工人必须把新建房屋的屋顶固定得更牢靠些。A church steeple stuck up above the roofs of the surrounding cottages.教堂的尖塔耸立在周围小屋的屋顶之上。There were legions of pigeons on the roofs.屋顶上有大群鸽子。From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.茅草屋顶的椽子上挂着几串干洋葱和蒜。They make the roofs out of straw.他们用稻草铺屋顶。Zinc roofs are not especially durable.锌皮屋顶并不特别耐用。Are we prepared to let this happen under our own roofs?我们怎能让这种事发生在自己的家里? Flat roofs were the order in the small villages.平屋顶是小村子中流行的建筑风格。The roofs had shingles missing.一些屋顶板不见了。The grey roofs glistened after the rain.雨后,灰色的屋顶黑得发亮。Volunteers are working feverishly to remove the heavy snow from the roofs of homes.志愿者在紧张地忙碌着,将厚厚的积雪从房顶上除去。He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.他可以看到肮脏的屋顶、工厂的烟囱和教堂的尖顶。




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