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词汇 exam paper
例句 He had the advantage of having seen the exam paper already.他有已经看过试卷的优势。It's important to be scrupulously fair when grading the final exam paper.在批阅期终试卷时,重要的是做到公正无私。She finished the exam paper.她答完了考卷。The exam paper was lying face up on the desk.考试卷正面朝上放在桌上。I managed to steal a look at the exam paper.我设法偷看了试卷。Martin handed his exam paper in late.马丁的考卷交晚了。Candidates must write their names on the top page of the exam paper.考生必须将自己的名字写在试卷首页。My hands were shaking so much I could hardly write my name on the exam paper.我的手抖得厉害,简直不能在考卷上写我的名字。My worst fears were realised when I saw what was on the exam paper.当我看见试卷上的内容时,我最害怕的事发生了。A specimen exam paper is available for each course.每门课都有一份考试样卷。Don't forget to put your name on the exam paper.别忘了在试卷上写上你的名字。




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