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词汇 examining
例句 The police were examining the doors and windows, looking for fingerprints.警察在检查门窗,寻找指纹。Police are examining the incident, which was captured on tape.警察正在调查被录下来的事件过程。John Nelson has been re-examining the evidence, and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far.约翰·纳尔逊重新研究了证据,他得出的结论与迄今为止的说法大不相符。The study is examining what happens to people when they are deprived of sleep.这项研究正在调查人们被剥夺睡眠后的反应。He won admiration for his forensic skills in cross-examining ministers.他在盘问几位部长时表现出的问案技巧为他赢得了赞赏。Forensic scientists are examining what police believe to have been the bombers' car.法医学家正在对一辆警方怀疑属于投弹者的汽车进行仔细检查。This question is designed to prod students into examining the idea.这道题旨在促使学生对这一观点进行研究。When examining imported foods, the government goes by the standards of CODEX.在检验进口食品时,政府依据的是食品法典委员会的标准。She was examining the paintings stacked against the wall.她在检查靠墙堆着的画作。Scientists are examining the impact of global warming on local climates.科学家们正在剖析全球变暖对当地气候的影响。Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.失业情况是研究社会问题的有效参照。Today we'll be examining the latest trends in kitchen design今天我们来探讨一下厨房设计的最新潮流。We are examining the matter to see where the truth lies.我们正在调查这件事情的真相。In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs.在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。She began examining it minutely.她开始对它进行仔细检查。The police caught three men examining their haul in a house in north London.警方抓获了三名男子,他们当时正在伦敦北部一栋房子里查看赃物。We will be examining some original documents from the period.我们将会研究一些该时期的原始文件。Experts are examining the wreckage, but the cause of the accident has not yet been identified.专家们正在检查残骸,但事故的起因尚未查明。The police were busy examining the tyre tracks of the two vehicles which were involved in the accident.警察正忙着检查两辆肇事汽车留下的轮胎印。He generally diagnosed by examining the patient's urine.他一般通过检查病人尿液进行诊断。The rocks are dated by examining the fossils found in the same layer.通过查看在同一岩层里发现的化石来鉴定岩石的年代。For a moment he allowed himself the indulgence of examining his feelings for her.有那么一会儿他让自己沉下心来仔细分析一下对她的感情。The doctor had been particular in examining her.医生非常仔细地给她作了检查。He tried to get close to her under the pretence of examining the pictures on the wall.他借口仔细看墙上的画,试图接近她。The diver is examining the sunken ship.潜水员正在检查沉船。He was examining the stamps intently.他正在聚精会神地细看邮票。Don't rush to judgment without examining the evidence.证据未经检验不要急于下结论。He was examining last night's accounts, a glass of champagne at his elbow.他正在检查昨晚的账目,手边放着一杯香槟。I have given the matter much thought, examining all the possible alternatives.我认真思考了这个问题,分析了各种可能的选择。A team of investigators is examining the crash site.一个调查小组在查看撞车事故现场。How can doctors refer patients for treatment without examining them first?医生怎么能没检查就让病人接受治疗?




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