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词汇 Romans
例句 The Romans made use of volcanic ash to produce concrete.罗马人利用火山灰制造混凝土。The Romans used to deify their emperors.罗马人常常神化他们的皇帝。The Romans founded many cities.罗马人兴建了许多城市。The road was originally built by the Romans.那条道路最初是罗马人修建的。The Romans ruled over most of Europe.古罗马人统治了欧洲大部分地区。The city was captured by the Romans.这座城市被罗马人占领了。The Romans would gorge themselves on grapes and plums.古罗马人吃很多葡萄和李子。The Romans brought civilization to many of the lands they conquered.罗马人把文明带到了他们所征服的很多国家。The Romans learned to mint from the Greeks.罗马人从希腊人那儿学会铸币。By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul's warning to the Romans.他身旁的书偶然翻开到写着圣保罗对罗马人的告诫那页。The Romans had many gods.罗马人信许多神。The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.基督教历法最初是基于罗马人的儒略历。The ancient Romans held sway over most of Europe.古罗马人曾控制了欧洲大部分地区。The Romans established a settlement on the south shore.古罗马人在南部海岸建立了定居点。Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans.古罗马人最先种植莴苣。The Romans took over from the Greeks their philosophy and arts.罗马人承袭了希腊人的哲学和艺术。The ancient Romans awarded laurel wreaths to winners of athletic contests.古罗马人为竞技比赛的获胜者加冕桂冠。The civilization of Britain by the Romans took years to complete.罗马人对不列颠人的教化用了许多年才得以完成。The Romans civilized many of the tribes of northern Europe.罗马人开化了北欧许多部落。These ruins record the life of the Romans in Britain.这些废墟是罗马人在英国生活的印证。This book is a mine of information on the Romans.这部书就是一座关于罗马人的信息宝库。The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.公历最初是以罗马人的儒略历为基础制定的。Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制,罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。The book examines the life of the Ancient Britons before the coming of the Romans.本书研究在罗马人到来之前古代英国人的生活。St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans圣·保罗写给罗马人的使徒书信The city was conquered by the ancient Romans.这座城市曾被古罗马人攻占。The Romans used atrocious means to treat their slaves.罗马人用残暴的手段对付奴隶。The Romans conquered almost the whole of Western Europe.罗马人几乎征服了整个西欧。The Romans civilised many of the tribes of northern Europe.罗马人开化了北欧许多部落。The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用了天然颜料。The Romans built a defensive wall around the city.罗马人在城的四周筑起城墙。The Romans prohibited the teaching of the Torah on penalty of death.罗马人禁止讲授《摩西五经》,违者处死。The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用天然颜料。The ancient Romans had dominion over a large part of that area.古代罗马人曾统治过该地区一大部分地方。The Romans gradually assimilated the culture of the people they had conquered.罗马人逐渐吸收了他们所征服的民族的文化。The Romans built these monuments to glorify their illustrious ancestors.罗马人修建这些纪念碑来颂扬他们杰出的祖先。The Romans extended their conquests to Britain.罗马人把征服范围扩大到了不列颠。The Celts defended their lands against the Romans.凯尔特人抗击罗马人入侵,捍卫家园。When they conquered Britain, the Romans brought this custom with them.古罗马人征服英国的时候也带来了这个风俗。The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.罗马人着手教化古不列颠人。




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