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词汇 rolled
例句 One of the mugs rolled off the table and broke into bits on the stone floor.一个大口杯从桌上滚落,在石质地板上摔碎了。Her sleeves were rolled up, showing her strong, freckled arms.她的袖子卷起,露出她那强壮的、长有色斑的手臂。He rolled up his shirtsleeves.他挽起了衬衫袖子。A stone rolled over the edge of the cliff.一块石头从山崖的边缘滚下。The lightning flashed and distant thunder rolled.电光闪过,远处雷声隆隆。She rolled her eyes in disgust.她厌恶地翻了下眼睛。The second ball rolled from the lottery machine.第二个球从摇奖机里滚了出来。The great grey shape of a tank rolled out of the village.一个坦克的巨大灰影从村子里开了出来。Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea.我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。Most of the big downtown stores have rolled back their prices to dispose of winter stock.为了处理冬季库存,城里大部分大商店都降低了价格。They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.他们在吉利根路上翻滚,模拟一场暴力厮杀。The lorry quietly rolled forward.卡车静静地缓慢前行。She rolled the string into a ball.她把线缠成线球。These bombers went directly into mothballs as they rolled off the production line.这些轰炸机从生产线上一下来就被打入冷宫。The car rolled over the edge of a cliff.汽车从悬崖边上滚下去了。She rolled up her jeans and stepped into the water.她卷起牛仔裤,走进水中。He rolled down his sleeves.他把袖子放下来。She rolled in a coat to put out the flames.她裹上一件外衣以扑灭身上的火焰。The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon.群山向远处的地平线绵延而去。The camels rolled and played in the white dust, raising puffs of cloud.骆驼在白色的沙土里打滚嬉戏,扬起阵阵尘雾。She rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows.她打了个滚,然后用胳膊肘把自己撑了起来。The ball rolled down the hill and into the drink.球滚下山坡掉进了池塘。This is our kitchen, sitting and dining room all rolled into one.这既是我们的厨房,又是客厅和餐厅。The pencil rolled off the desk and fell to the floor below.铅笔从书桌上滚下来,掉到了地板上。The jacket was too big so he rolled up the sleeves.这件夹克他穿太大了,于是他就把袖子卷了起来。The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to the elbow.他的衬衣袖子卷到了肘部。When I was a little kid I rolled down a hill and broke my leg.我小时候从一座山坡上滚了下来,把腿摔断了。The ball rolled between the desk and the wall.球在桌子和墙之间来回滚动。He was writing the book up to the moment the presses rolled.直到付梓的那一刻他才完稿。A carriage rolled up to the inn.一辆马车驶到旅店门前停下。The Great River rolled its broad waters, deep and dark.大河又宽又深,波涛汹涌,暗藏凶险。I swatted the fly with a rolled-up newspaper.我用一张卷起的报纸拍那只苍蝇。The car rolled to a stop at the side of the road.汽车在路边停了下来。He rolled back to his side of the bed.他翻身回到自己的那半边床上。The fog had rolled away during the morning.上午雾气渐渐散去。The coin rolled over the edge of the table.硬币从桌边滚了下来。His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.他的袖子卷到了肘部。He rolled up the legs of his jeans.他卷起了牛仔裤的裤腿。He threw back the sheets and rolled out of bed.他掀开被单,一骨碌起了床。Susan rolled in half an hour after the rehearsal had begun.在排演开始半个小时后,苏珊才姗姗来迟。




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