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词汇 partner
例句 Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.许多男性仍然无法接受女性商业伙伴。The police officer's partner always watches his back.那名警官的同伴总在保护他。He recently became a senior partner in the accounting/consulting firm.最近,他成为了会计事务所/咨询公司的高级合伙人。I need a doubles partner for the table tennis tournament.我需要有个人做我乒乓球锦标赛的双打搭档。Try not to step on your partner's toes.留心别踩到舞伴的脚趾。She was a senior partner at the Wall Street firm.她是这家华尔街公司的主要合伙人。The president said that Japan is now a friend and international partner.总统说日本现在是盟友和国际伙伴。Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.一个生意伙伴曾将账单交给汉普顿代为保管。I'll need to discuss this with my business partner.我需要和我的合伙人商量一下。He married his daughter to his partner's son.他把自己女儿嫁给了他的合伙人的儿子。My business partner agreed to split the profits equally, but I know he wanted a bigger slice of the cake. 尽管我的商业伙伴答应利润均分,但我知道他想要更大的一份The divorce process should not be used as a means to get back at your former partner.不应该在办理离婚手续上报复以前的伴侣。One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.一名学生做实验,他的搭档则进行观察。I'm your partner and I'm tarred with the same brush.我是你的搭档,别人会认为我们是一路货色。She moved in sync with her partner.她与舞伴步调一致。When it comes to finding a partner, first impressions do count.说到寻觅伴侣,第一印象确实很重要。He doesn't seem able to dance without stamping on his partner's feet.他跳舞时似乎不可避免地要踩到舞伴的脚。He learned that he could pick up cues from his partner if he paid close attention.他知道如果自己密切关注就可以从他搭档那儿发现线索。I'm the main earner, and my partner looks after our little girl.我们家主要靠我挣钱养家,我爱人照看我们的小女儿。Please don't partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner.在宴会上请别让我与琼斯先生排在一起入席。Please state your partner's name and occupation.请说明配偶的姓名和职业。He was made a full partner in his father's firm.他被定为他父亲公司的正式合伙人。Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要?For years his business partner had been skimming off the profits.他的商业伙伴多年来一直在私吞利润。His own importance seemed to be a mere nothing against the grandness in his partner.他的合伙人十分显赫,相形之下他就显得微不足道了。You have to be able to trust your business partner.你必须得信赖你的生意伙伴。Japan is a valued friend and partner of this country.日本是该国看重的友好国家和伙伴。Though he was now a partner, his position was not invulnerable.虽然他成了合伙人,但他的地位并不是很牢靠。He and a partner set up on their own and built a successful fashion company.他和一位合伙人靠着自己的力量创建了一家成功的时装公司。He threw his partner to the wolves by exposing his involvement in the scandal.他揭发他的合伙人与这个丑闻有牵连,从而使其身处困境。Are you sure that you want him for your partner for life?你肯定要他做你的终生伴侣吗? James is the senior partner in the firm, but it is Peter who is the driving force.詹姆斯是公司的主要合伙人,但公司最大的推动力来自彼得。She was the dominant partner in the relationship.她在两人的关系中处于支配地位。He rose to the rank of partner in the law firm.他在律师事务所中升为合伙人。His position on the issue is diametrically opposed to that of his partner. 在这个问题上,他的立场与合伙人截然相反。I am a partner in one of Cleveland's oldest and most prestigious law firms.我是克利夫兰的一家历史最悠久、最有威望的法律事务所的合伙人。Mr Rushworth left his partner of 10 years for a younger woman.拉什沃思先生离开了和他同居十年的女伴,找了一个更年轻的女人。Discuss your worries with your partner.和伴侣谈谈你的忧虑。He gestured to/for his partner to leave.他示意他的同伴离开。She's now been made a full partner.她现在已是正式合伙人。




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