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词汇 robbery
例句 A dramatized reconstruction of the robbery was shown on television to try to make people remember information that would help the police.这起抢劫案以电视剧的形式再现并在电视上播出,是为了使人们能够记起任何有关案件的重要信息,来帮助警察破案。I ran it all down to them about the robbery.我把抢劫案向他们详述了。The robbery took a deadly new twist as the robber pulled out a gun.抢劫事件出现了关乎生死的新变数 — 劫犯掏出了枪。He's been up in court several times before on charges of robbery with violence.他以前曾多次因被控暴力抢劫而出庭受审。He was shot as he tried to foil a bank robbery.他试图阻止银行抢劫案时中弹了。He graduated from petty theft to bank robbery.他从小偷小摸发展到抢劫银行。He was suspected in the bank robbery, but the police gave him a clean bill of health.他有参加抢劫银行的嫌疑,可是警察当局证明他无罪。He claims to know nothing about the robbery.他声称对这次抢劫一无所知。The man spent several years in gaol for robbery.这男人因犯抢劫罪而坐了几年牢。The police are conducting an investigation into last week's robbery.警方正在对上周的抢劫案进行调查。He was up for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫而出庭受审。He masterminded the bank robbery.他操纵了那次银行抢劫案。An unidentified caller contacted the police and gave the names of the men involved in the robbery.一位不明身份的人打电话跟警方联系,告诉他们参与抢劫者的名字。An imitation firearm was used in the robbery.抢劫案中用了一支假枪。The robbery was an act of desperation. 这次抢劫是铤而走险的行为。He denied any role in the robbery.他否认曾参与这起抢劫案。Someone on the inside must have helped with the robbery.一定有内应为这次抢劫提供了帮助。He was indirectly involved in the robbery.他间接卷入了这起抢劫案。The robbery went wrong and they got caught.抢劫行动出了岔子,他们被抓住了。He made two escape attempts while serving a sentence for armed robbery.他因持枪抢劫被判刑,服刑期间两次企图越狱。Police say the robbery must have been planned.警方说这起抢劫案肯定早有预谋。The police collared him less than twenty minutes after the robbery.抢劫发生后,警方不到二十分钟就抓到了他。Someone tipped them off that there would be a robbery.有人向他们透露说将会有抢劫发生。She claimed she was forced to take part in the robbery by her husband.她说她是被丈夫逼着参与了这次抢劫的。The bomb could have been planted in order to distract attention from the robbery.炸弹很有可能是为了引开人们对这起抢劫案的注意而安置的。Smith has already served a ten-year sentence for armed robbery.史密斯因持枪抢劫已经服刑十年。I'm not paying that much. It's daylight robbery!我不会付那么多钱。这简直是大白天打劫!She's now doing time for armed robbery.她因持械抢劫正在监狱服刑。Police believe he can help them with their enquiries into a robbery.警方相信他可以协助调查一起抢劫案。From simple purse-snatching he graduated to robbery.他从小偷小摸发展成猖狂行劫。They were sentenced to five years each for attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances.他们因犯抢劫未遂罪,情节严重,每人被判处五年徒刑。The robbery was an act of desperation.这次抢劫是铤而走险之举。Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the robbery.有两名与劫案有关的嫌疑人今天被逮捕。He claimed ignorance of the robbery. 他说关于这次抢劫他一无所知。The police replayed the video of the robbery in court.警察在法庭上重放了抢劫过程发生时的监控录像。He pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree robbery.他对一级抢劫罪的指控表示服罪。It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much.要价这么高,真是无异于赤裸裸的抢劫了。He's doing three years for armed robbery.他因持械抢劫服刑三年。Has he notified the police of the robbery?抢劫的事他报警了吗? He never came to trial for the robbery.他从来没因为那次抢劫而受到审讯。




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