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词汇 reward
例句 Give yourself some time off as a reward.休息一下吧,就算是犒劳自己。He was motivated by duty alone, and not by any hope of reward.他只是受责任心的驱使,并不希望得到任何报酬。A reward was offered for his capture dead or alive.只要抓到他,不论死活,都有赏。A fellow must have some reward for making a teetotum of himself.一个忙得像陀螺般团团转的人必须得到某种奖赏。She was characteristically modest when she accepted the reward.领奖时她表现出了特有的谦虚。You've been true to me all these years. How can I reward you?这些年来你对我忠心耿耿,我如何报答你呢?She wanted to reward the cleaners for their efforts.她想对清洁工的努力作出奖赏。When you work hard, you naturally want to get the reward that is rightfully yours.谁干活卖力,就自然要求得到应有的报酬。Here we reward performance, not face time.我们这里奖励的是业绩,不是露面时间。Her success is just reward for her hard work. 她的成功是她努力工作的恰当回报。That brave deed merited a better reward.这种勇敢的行为应该得到更好的奖赏。Police are offering a reward for information about the shooting.警方悬赏奖金给提供枪击案情报的人。You can go to bed late tonight as a reward for doing so well on that test.你今晚可以晚点睡,作为那次考试成绩优异的奖励。His beloved parent had passed to her reward from this very bed.他敬爱的娘亲就是在这张床逝去升天的。We should do something to reward our most productive employees.我们应该对效率高的员工有点奖励。The link between performance and reward continues to increase.业绩和酬劳之间的联系越来越紧密。The reward/punishment he received was richly deserved.他得到的奖励/惩罚完全是理所当然/罪有应得。The finder usually receives a reward.找到失物的人一般会有酬金。She got no reward for all the hard work she did.她干得这么辛苦,却没有任何报酬。No action was taken, and his reward for dissent was a caution.对于他不服从裁判没有进行任何惩罚,只是给予警告。The reward spurred them to work harder.奖金激励他们更加努力工作。Other schools already have merit systems in place that reward good work.其他学校已经建立了奖励学习优秀者的奖励制度。As a reward he was created Earl of Sandwich.作为奖赏,他被册封为桑威奇伯爵。Witnesses often find their voices when they hear a reward has been offered.听到有悬赏时目击证人往往就愿意开口了。The children's happy faces were reward enough.孩子们一张张愉快的小脸就是一种回报。Members will receive a discount in reward for getting friends or family to join.介绍朋友或家人入会,会员将得到打折优惠。The parents of the missing boy are offering a reward of £10,000.失踪男孩的父母悬赏一万英镑寻人。Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made their investment.无论投资人何时投资,詹金斯都会让他们得到回报。Winning the game was a just reward for the team's effort.赢得这场比赛是对这支球队的付出最好的回报。A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。She says that virtue is its own reward. 她说美德本身就是回报。The aim is to obtain maximum reward for minimum effort.目的就是花最少的力气而取得最大的回报。The successful are often tempted to regard their success as a kind of reward.成功人士往往倾向于将成功看作一种奖赏。As a reward for good behaviour, treat your child to a new toy.作为对孩子良好行为的奖励,给他们买个新玩具吧。Most police informers receive a reward for their information.大多数警方的线人都会因提供消息而获得报酬。His shady past might reward investigation.他的可疑的身世也许值得查一查。She deserves some reward for all her hard work.她工作努力,应该得到某种奖励。There is a reward for information leading to the arrest of the people responsible for the explosion.悬赏缉拿造成此次爆炸的人。We are standing out for a fair reward for our hard work.我们坚持要求给我们的辛勤工作以一份公平的回报。The prize was a just reward for all their efforts.这个奖是他们努力应得的回报。




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