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词汇 entries
例句 This year's entries demonstrate a catholic approach to design.今年的参赛作品展示出多式多样的设计方法。The entries are ordered alphabetically.词条是按字母顺序排列的。The Marathon had sixty entries.报名参加马拉松赛的共有六十名。When reading some of the competition entries, it was hard to keep a straight face.看着有些参赛作品,让人忍俊不禁。The race has attracted a record number of entries.这次比赛的参赛人数创下了纪录。Here are some extracts from the five winning entries.这些是从五篇获奖参赛作品中摘录出来的选段。Winning entries will be on display from tomorrow.获奖作品将从明天起展出。He suggested that those entries be blanked out.他建议删去那几个条目。The new edition contains 5,000 entries.新版收录五千个词条。The entries for that year reveal the growing scale of the firm's operations.那年的账目表明那家商行的经营规模日渐扩大。There were lots of very amusing entries, but the pick of the bunch came from John Robinson.有许多非常有趣的参赛作品,但最好的还是约翰‧鲁宾逊的。The show attracted entries from all over the country.这个展览吸引了来自全国各地的参赛作品。The deadline for entries is noon Thursday.报名参赛的截止期限是星期四中午。There have been a fantastic number of entries for this year's poetry competition.今年的诗歌创作大赛收到的参赛作品很多,令人惊喜。Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week.科林·米切尔负责每周对参赛作品进行评判。Her diary entries for that month show how unhappy she was.从那个月记下的日记可以看出她是多么不开心。We had too many entries for this event.参赛者/作品太多了。Contest entries are subjectively evaluated.对参赛作品的评价是主观的。The general standard of the entries was very high.参赛作品的总体水准非常高。Many entries relate to the two world wars.很多条目与两次世界大战有关。All entries will be examined by a panel of judges.所有的参赛作品都将经过评委会的审查。We have had a lot of entries this year.今年我们的参赛者很多。All entries must be in by next week.所有参赛作品必须在下周之前提交。Judges remarked on the high standard of this year's entries.裁判说今年的参赛作品水准很高。Very little information is given in the diary entries.日记中给出的信息很少。They've updated a lot of the entries in the most recent edition of the encyclopedia.在最新版百科全书中他们更新了很多条目。First examine the entries on the marriage register.首先查一下婚姻登记注册名单。The judges' decision on the entries is final.裁判对参赛作品的评定是最终决定。Organizers of the Lawson short story competition have received over 100,000 entries.劳森短篇小说比赛的主办单位已经收到了十万多篇参赛作品。Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries.美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。The proud owners are pictured with one of their winning entries.自豪的获奖者和他们其中的一个获奖作品合影。The diary entries were tantalizingly brief.条条日记都很简短,激起了人们的好奇。The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition.那位插画家将评审儿童绘画比赛的参赛作品。The contest attracted entries from all over the country.比赛吸引了来自全国各地的参赛作品。All entries are locked so no unauthorized modifications can be made.所有的资料项都加了密,这样就不会有人未经授权便擅作修改了。




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