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The word is not common enough for entry in the dictionary.这个单词没那么常见,不能被收入这本词典。Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the championships.菲利普斯希望得到外卡参加锦标赛。They haven't yet met the requirements for entry. 他们还没有达到参赛的要求。They appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal after being denied entry by the Immigration Department.他们遭移民局拒绝入境后向行政上诉法庭诉请裁决。The natural evolution of gas from the beer will limit the entry of air at first, until significant beer is used.啤酒中气体的自然释放一开始会限制空气进入,直到相当多的啤酒被喝掉。Many entry-level jobs were filled by school leavers.很多初级水平工作都由中学毕业生来做。The procession entered the church by the south entry.队伍由南门进入教堂。The club offers free entry to women on Thursdays.俱乐部周四免费向女士开放。There are no signs of forcible entry.没有强行闯入的迹象。The Luxembourg entry is clear favourite to win the Eurovision Song Contest.在这次欧洲歌曲电视大奖赛中,卢森堡的参赛选手显然最有希望获胜。They were later allowed entry into the country.他们后来获准入境。Does your company have any entry-level positions available?你们公司有没有空缺的初级职位?Like the old trouper he is, he timed his entry to perfection.作为一名剧团老演员,他的上场时间把握得恰到好处。The satellite burned up on re-entry.卫星在重返大气层时烧毁了。His disability was no bar to his entry into the profession.他生理上的缺陷并没有成为他从事这一行业的障碍。Send in your entry as soon as possible!请尽快递交参赛作品!The police's forcible entry into the building has come under a lot of criticism.警察强行进入大楼的举动遭到了诸多批评。The recording of depreciation expense is an adjusting entry which apportions a recorded cost.记录折旧费用是一笔将已入账的成本进行分摊的调整分录。Immigration authorities refused him entry to the country.该国的移民部门不准许他入境。Phrases are nested in the dictionary entry for the first major word.短语按第一主词排入词典词条中。New York was the point of entry for most immigrants arriving in the US.纽约是大多数移民进入美国的门户。He was able to gain entry to an exclusive club.他获得了加入高级俱乐部的资格。The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.议长跟随持权杖者进入议院。Data entry becomes routine very quickly.数据输入很快就变得平淡乏味了。He managed to gain entry to an exclusive club.他设法加入了一家入会限制严格的俱乐部。The champion made his usual dramatic entry into the arena.冠军得主像往常一样引人注目地进入运动场。The exit wound made by the bullet was much larger than the entry wound.子弹造成的出弹伤口比入弹伤口大得多。Make sure you get your entry in before the cut-off.务必在截止日期之前入境。He sold merchandise to a friend, with nary an entry on the books.他把商品卖给朋友,从不登账。The management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who is improperly dressed.管理层保留拒绝衣冠不整者进入公司的权利。The course will ease students' entry into a career.这一课程将使学生更容易找到工作。Ellis Island in Manhattan was the point of entry of many American immigrants. 曼哈顿的埃利斯岛是很多移民进入美国的门户。Before they could gain entry, they had to deactivate the burglar alarm.他们在进去之前必须解除防盗警报。E-commerce is presenting a lot of new jobs at entry level.电子商务提供了很多新的初级水平的工作机会。Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times.票上将印有固定的入场时间。Bill was among the first to gain entry to Buckingham Palace when it opened to the public recently.白金汉宫最近向公众开放,比尔是最先获得进入许可的人之一。He supported that country's entry into the European Common Market.他支持那个国家加入欧洲共同体。Each worker has to carry a magnetized plastic entry card.每个工人必须携带一张塑料通行磁卡。He was given a wild-card entry into Wimbledon.他获得一张外卡,可以参加温布尔登的比赛。Swinburne's entry was for me a great moment.斯温伯恩的参加对我来说是个极重要的时刻。 |