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Facing each other, the giraffes were managing to entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner.长颈鹿正面对面地用力将脖子缠绕在一起,那种姿势令人大为惊诧。She knows how to entwine herself in your affections.她懂得如何紧紧缠住你的心。The giraffes were managing to entwine their necks in an amazing manner.两只长颈鹿正努力把它们的脖子以一种令人吃惊的方式缠绕在一起。Once, years ago, he told me our lives should entwine.多年前,他曾经对我说我们应该生活在一起。The roots of these tresses entwine under the ground.树根在地底下纠缠在一起。His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.他茫然地盯着仍在翻滚缠绕的鳗鱼。 |