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词汇 retire from
例句 She recently retired from teaching.她最近从教师岗位上退休了。When he retired from the police, he had to turn in his shield.当他从警队退休时,交还了盾形像章。She retired from the sport after suffering a series of humiliating defeats.她遭受一连串丢人的失败之后退出了体坛。He retired from professional chess because he had lost the zest for winning.他退出了职业国际象棋赛场,因为他已经失去了求胜欲望。He has retired from the service of the Crown.他已经从政府部门退下来了。Hattersley's decision to retire from politics was not completely unexpected.哈特斯利离开政界的决定并不完全让人感到意外。The moon retired from view behind dark clouds.月亮隐没在乌云后面看不见了。He retired from the force with a disability pension.他从警察局退役,领上了残疾抚恤金。That battleship has been retired from the mothball fleet.那艘军舰已从备役舰队中除役。After he retired from football, he became a sports reporter for the Gazette.从足球队退役后,他成了《新闻报》的体育记者。I have decided to retire from Formula One racing.我已经决定结束一级方程式赛车生涯。The army was forced to retire from the battlefield.军队被迫撤离战场。He is planning to retire from politics next year.他打算明年退出政坛。I have decided to retire from Formula One racing at the end of the season.我已经决定在这个赛季末结束一级方程式赛车生涯。He was in Congress for many years but he recently retired from public life.他在国会工作了多年,但最近退出了公务生活。This horse has been retired from racing and has now been put out to stud.这匹马已不再参加比赛,现在用作配种。He officially retired from the day-to-day operations of his company.他正式退出了公司的日常经营。One of the most serious injuries was to Simon Littlejohn, who was forced to retire from the race with a leg injury.伤势最重的人之一是西蒙·利特尔约翰,他腿部受伤,被迫退出了比赛。After the accident he retired from acting and died in relative obscurity.那次事故后他就不再演戏,在默默无闻中去世。She retired from the stage some years ago.她数年前告别了舞台。She retired from the bank last year.她去年从银行退休了。That has-been should have retired from baseball years ago.那位已过全盛时期的运动员早在几年前就应该从棒球场退下来。He has retired from the army.他已经从部队退役。She retired from politics the year after she received the Nobel Prize.她获得诺贝尔奖的第二年退出了政坛。He had retired from regular employment.他已从正式工作岗位上退休。She retired from tournament golf last year.她去年从高尔夫球赛场退役。Howard seems to have retired from public life.霍华德似乎已经退出公共事务了。After he retired from football he became a sports journalist for the Gazette.他退出足坛之后在《公报》当体育记者。When Jean retired from modelling, she moved to Cornwall.琼退出模特儿生涯后,搬到了康沃尔。After his third successive election defeat he decided to retire from politics.他连续三次竞选失败之后决定退出政坛。Gradually the shore retired from view.海岸渐渐远去而看不见了。I decided it was time for me to retire from teaching.我认为是时候离开教学岗位了。She has shunned publicity since she retired from acting.告别舞台生涯后,她便退出了人们的视线。Jim Rutland retired from the Navy last year.吉姆·拉特兰去年从海军退役。




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