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词汇 热饭
例句 The Centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot, nourishing meal a day.该中心终年开放,确保无家可归的人每天至少能吃上一顿有营养的热饭A fancy hotel is not necessary; I'd be content with a warm meal and a clean place to sleep.豪华宾馆就不必了。能吃上一顿热饭,有个干净地方睡觉,我就满足了。Tuck in, it's the last hot food you'll get for a while.尽情地吃吧,一段时间里你都吃不到这么一顿热饭了。I had not eaten anything hot since my last dinner with Sean. It seemed light-years away.上次和肖恩吃过饭后我就一直没吃过热菜热饭。好像已经过了很久很久似的。Hot food is available, though the prisoners have to cook it up themselves.可以吃到热饭热菜,不过犯人们必须自己煮。If you live alone, you might not want to cook a hot meal every day.如果单身居住,你可能不会想每天都做一顿热菜热饭




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