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词汇 热量
例句 The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories.所进行的剧烈运动可以消耗掉增加的热量The engine was throwing off so much heat that the air above it shimmered with haze.发动机散发出太多的热量,使它的上方雾蒙蒙的一片。If circulation is impaired, the body cannot lose excess heat.如果循环系统受损,身体就不能散发出多余的热量Runners were given thermal blankets to prevent heat loss at the end of the race.比赛结束时,赛跑选手领到了保暖的毛毯以防止失去热量Non-fat dairy products supply the needed nutrients without excessive calories.脱脂乳制品能提供身体所需的营养,而不含过多的热量Alcohol has a lot of empty calories.热量很高,但没什么营养。The lighter material floats upwards, carrying heat to the surface of the liquid.较轻的材料向上浮,将热量带到液体表面。A glass of wine does have quite a lot of calories.一杯葡萄酒的热量确实不低。Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories.吃土豆容易让我们有一种饱胀感,又不会摄入过多的热量Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly calorific.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。A lot of body heat is lost through the scalp.人体通过头皮散失大量热量Water is used to conduct heat away from the reactor.水被用来带走从反应堆散发出的热量The sun's heat melted the snow.太阳的热量融化了雪。A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.温室保持着温暖,因为玻璃吸收了太阳的热量Heat is released into the atmosphere by cars.汽车产生的热量被释放到了大气中。The boiler is very efficient as the heat normally lost with flue gases is recycled.这种锅炉可以使通常随废气排走的热量再次循环,效率非常高。Heat radiated from the glowing coals.燃烧的煤块散发出热量The planet Jupiter radiates twice as much heat from inside as it receives from the Sun.木星内部散发出的热量是它吸收太阳热量的两倍。We asked a dietician to add up the calories in the meals.我们请一位营养师计算各餐的热量总和。The heat of the fire caused the silverware to fuse.火的热量使银器熔化。The water has become clearer, permitting deeper penetration by the heat of the sun.水已经变得更清澈,能够更好的传递太阳的热量More heat is lost through the head than through any other part of the body.从头部散失的热量比从身体其他任何部位散失的热量都要多。Survival bags are made of reflective material to prevent heat loss.救生袋由反射性的材料制成,用来防止热量散失。One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.她中意的论调之一就是限制热量摄入的人更长命。Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories.这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。The reaction gives off tremendous heat.那反应释放出巨大的热量Red meat, eaten to excess, is very high in fat and calories.过度食用红色肉类会摄入很高的脂肪和热量People thought heat must be, an invisible, tenuous fluid that flowed from hotter to colder places.人们原以为热量是一种无形的、稀薄的液体,从较热处流向凉一些的地方。Running is an excellent way to burn off excess calories.跑步是消耗多余热量的极好办法。The woodstove throws off a lot of heat.柴火炉散发出很大的热量Chinese cooking is both low in calories and healthful.中式烹饪不仅热量低,而且有益健康。The woodstove throws out a lot of heat.柴火炉散发的热量很大。The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods.海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。In warm weather, wear light-coloured clothing to reflect the heat.热天可穿浅色衣服把热量反射。This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.这台小小的散热器释放出惊人的热量Substances such as ammonia give out heat when they dissolve.诸如氨气之类的物质在溶解时会释放出热量The amount of calories a person needs each day is determined by the type of work they do.一个人每天所需的热量多少取决于他们所从事的工作。Fats contain more calories than carbohydrates.脂肪比碳水化合物含有更多的热量I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.我决定去跑跑步,消耗一点热量The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.热量逐渐消失在大气中。




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