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词汇 retain
例句 Try and retain the excitement of the event in your writing, without taking liberties with the truth.请尽量在文字中再现活动的热烈气氛,但不要对事实添油加醋。The team was struggling to retain possession of the ball.该队拼命想保住对球的控制。These garments will retain their shape even with repeated washing.这些衣服多次洗涤仍不会变形。The treaty would not allow any country to produce, acquire, or retain chemical weapons.该条约不允许任何国家生产、购买或保留化学武器。He struggled to retain a shred of his dignity.他极力保持自己的一丝尊严。I'm struggling to retain any vestige of belief in his innocence.我竭力保留一丝坚信他无辜的信念。I find it very difficult to retain facts.我觉得具体事实很难记住。This vessel won't retain water.这容器盛不住水。Vegetables should retain some firmness and should not be soggy and waterlogged.蔬菜应保持一定的硬挺度,不应潮乎乎的浸透了水。These pupils are not the brightest, and they don't retain very well.这些学生并非聪敏绝顶,记忆力也不好The leather may need to be oiled every two to three weeks in order to retain its suppleness.为了保持皮革的柔韧性,可能两三周就要上一次油。Barcelona's ability to retain possession relies on accurate short balls through the midfield. 巴塞罗那队依靠中场地区准确的短传来保持对球的控制。The US expects to retain control over the operation.美国期望继续控制这次行动。The state wants to retain control of food imports.这个州想保留对食品进口的控制权。Ethnic minorities have struggled to retain their cultural identity, and have for the most part succeeded.少数民族一直在力图保持其文化特点,且大部分都取得了成功。Some companies are struggling to retain skilled staff.一些公司正千方百计地留住技术娴熟的员工。He decided to retain him for the trial.他决定聘请他为出庭律师。The thick walls retain the heat.厚实的墙体能够保温。The Pyramids retain a remarkable hold on the human imagination.金字塔一直保持着引发人类想象的巨大魅力。Insulation will help retain the house's warmth.加隔热层将有助于房子保温。It is suggested that you retain copies of the documents for at least three years.建议你把文件的副本至少保留三年。This rice will retain its heat for an hour.这种米能够保温一小时。The company's goal is to attract and retain good employees.公司的目标是要吸引和留住优秀的员工。Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.当地原住民获准可以保留一些自己的传统文化和宗教。Stainless steel will retain its sheen long after other metals have become dull.不锈钢会在其他金属失去光泽后很久还熠熠生辉。They have decided to retain a firm to conduct a survey.他们决定聘请一家公司开展调查。You have the right to retain possession of the goods.你有权保留这些物品。James is able to retain an enormous amount of factual information in his head.詹姆斯能够在头脑中储存大量的事实信息。She has a remarkable ability to retain odd facts.她有一种非凡的能力,能记住各种古怪的基本资料。These plans encourage the elderly to retain their independence.这些计划鼓励老年人保持自立。It's increasingly difficult to recruit and retain good staff.现在招聘和留住优秀员工越来越难。He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.在整个表演过程中,他设法保持了自己的尊严。You will retain your rights as a citizen.你将保留你的公民权利。She managed to retain the championship.她成功卫冕了冠军。The dyke was built to retain the flood waters.那条堤坝是为拦洪修建的。He is likely to retain the England captaincy.他有望继续担任英格兰队队长。The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in its attempts to retain power.他说,政府为了保住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。Limestone is known to retain moisture.石灰岩能储存水分。You may need to retain an attorney.你可能需要聘请一位律师。It is difficult to retain top management.留住高层管理人员很困难。




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