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词汇 retailer
例句 Take the goods back to your retailer who will refund you the purchase price.把商品退还给你的零售商,他们会按原价退款的。Fashion retailer seeks Sales Assistant - would suit enthusiastic school-leaver.招聘时装店营业员一适合充满热诚的学校毕业生。The company has made inroads into the market share of the second-largest US retailer.这家公司开始占有美国第二大零售商的市场份额。The supermarket chain agreed to lease the site to a non-food retailer.这家连锁超市同意将该地块出租给一家非食品零售商。Top retailer Marks & Spencer has romped in with another set of sparkling results.零售巨头玛莎百货再次凭借一系列耀眼的成绩轻松胜出。Buy low and sell high should be the mantra of any retailer.低买高卖是任何一个零售商常挂嘴边的口号。The retailer resells the goods at a higher price.零售商以高于进货的价格转卖商品。The company is a leading retailer of women's clothing.这家公司是一家主要的女装零售商。The email contains a link to the retailer's website.此电子邮件包含能转到零售商网址的链接。Both cardholders and credit card companies are protected, while the retailer foots the cost.持卡人和信用卡公司都受到保护,支付费用的是零售商。One high-street retailer has gone out of business.有一家大型零售公司倒闭了。It made it almost impossible for the smaller retailer to compete against the multiples.这使得小零售商几乎不可能跟连锁店竞争。This massive retailer has been shaping the economy for a decade.十年来这一大型零售商一直在左右着经济。Most of the profit goes to the retailer; some goes to the middleman, and the remaining portion goes to the producer.大部分利润为零售商所赚,一部分被中间商赚了,余下的那部分归制造商。




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