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例句 His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.童年时的一场疾病导致他行走困难。Earthquakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.地壳应力变化可能会引发地震。Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的。Some would say her problems result from overattention as a child.有人会说她的问题是因为小时候受关注过多造成的。The results from this unit are staggering.这个团队得出的结果令人吃惊。His illness resulted from bad food.他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。Many illnesses result from lack of exercise.许多疾病是由于缺少锻炼。Violence may result from a sense of impotence.暴力可能源自无能为力的感觉。Sometimes it's hard to tell whether illnesses result from bacteria or viruses.有时候很难分辨疾病到底是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的。Inflation results from an excess of demand over supply.通货膨胀是供不应求引起的。It is thought that the train crash resulted from a fault on the line.有人认为这次火车撞车事故是铁路有问题所造成的。Green results from blending blue and yellow.绿色是由蓝色和黄色掺和而成。The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract.争议是由合同中模棱两可的词句引起的。The world waited with bated breath to see what would result from the situation.全世界屏息注视着这一局面会导致何种结果。The results from these tests point toward a different conclusion.这些测试结果说明一个不同的结论。We failed to obtain any meaningful results from these experiments.我们没有通过这些实验获得任何有价值的结果。They extrapolated these results from their research.他们从研究中推断出这些结果。Here's how to get the best long-term results from your mutual funds.下面是如何从你们的共同基金中获得最佳的长期收益。Nothing will result from their airy plans.他们那些不切实际的计划不会有什么结果。The problem simply resulted from a difference of opinion.这个问题仅仅是由于意见分歧引起的。We expect good results from our employees.我们期待员工绩效良好。Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.由于租金大幅提高而产生了不满。Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and can result from events during the development of the foetus.先天性脑积水在出生时就已发生,可能是由于胚胎发育中的事件造成的。They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.他们发现他们的计算机进行完全相同的计算会得出不同的结果。The results from various recent surveys were evaluated.对近来各项调查的结果进行了评估。The fire resulted from an explosion.这场火灾是爆炸引起的。It would be easy to misinterpret results from such a small sample.从这样小的一份抽样出发容易得出错误的结论。The results from one of the largest studies yet carried out leave little doubt that DVT is caused by flying.迄今为止最大一项研究的结果无疑表明严重静脉血栓是由飞行引起的。Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。Green results from blending blue and yellow.把蓝色和黄色掺起来可得绿色。Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.地壳内的应力可能引起地震。We have yet to see any concrete results from the research.我们还没看到这一研究的具体成果。




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