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词汇 restful
例句 Sleeping with a wolf is not the most restful way to pass the night.与狼睡在一起,夜里自然不大会安宁的。It's so restful to meander along Irish country roads.沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。He woke after a long, restful sleep, feeling refreshed.他酣畅地睡了一大觉,精神振作了起来。Her suite of rooms was cool and restful.她的套房凉爽而静谧。We had a restful vacation at the beach.我们在海滨度过了一个悠闲的假期。Our three-day stop at lake Navasha was restful and picturesque.我们在奈瓦沙湖畔待了三天,很放松,那里风景也漂亮。It's restful by the stream.小溪旁一片宁静。I'm so busy, I can rarely afford the luxury of a restful weekend.我太忙了,很少能享受一个轻松的周末。There is a restful quality about this house.这座房子静谧而平和。A hot bath can be very restful.洗个热水澡会很解乏。I love the restful sound of the wind in the trees.我喜欢听风吹过树丛那种令人心旷神怡的声音。I'm looking forward to a quiet, restful summer vacation.我希望过一个安静、悠闲的暑假。They had thought that the vacation would be restful, but they were soon disillusioned.他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事。




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