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词汇 rested
例句 We need you to be well-rested for the game tomorrow.为了明天的比赛我们要你好好休息。With the land forces defeated, everything now rested on the navy.陆军战败后,就全靠海军了。I'll call you as soon as I'm rested up.我一得到充分休息,就打电话给你。They rested up in the shade of a tree.他们在树荫下休息。I rested my chin on my drawn-up knees.我下巴抵在屈起的膝盖上。I rested my bike against the window.我把自行车靠在了窗边。She rested her chin on her hand.她用手撑著下巴。I rested my elbow on a cushion.我胳膊肘支着靠垫。As she spoke, her eyes rested on her husband's face.她说话的时候,眼睛凝视着丈夫的脸。She rested her tired, aching limbs.她放松了一下疲惫酸痛的四肢。The final decision rested with the President.最后的决定权在于总统。Benitez defended his squad rotation system, saying key players need to be rested.伯尼特兹为他的球员轮换首发系统进行辩护,表示主力球员需要休息。I nearly always wake up fresh and rested.我几乎每天醒来都精神抖擞,得到了充分休息。She rested her head against a cushion.她把头靠在靠垫上。Her eyes rested on a small wooden box at the back of the shop.她的目光落在商店最里面的一个小木盒子上。She rested her eyes on the clock.她的目光停留在了时钟上。She rested the ladder against the wall.她把梯子靠在墙上。She rested her bike against a tree.她把自行车靠在了树上。He rested his eyes on the new comer for an instant.他瞧了一下那个新来的人。Rebecca's gaze rested on the child thoughtfully.丽贝卡若有所思地将视线停留在那个孩子身上。We sat under a tree and rested a while.我们坐在树下歇了一会儿。He's tanned and rested after his vacation.假期后他皮肤晒成了棕色,也休息好了。He rested his cheek on her shoulder.他把面颊靠在她肩头。She rested her hand on my shoulder.她把手搭在了我肩膀上。He set down the bag and rested for a while.他放下袋子,休息了一会儿。He looked well rested and glowingly healthy.他看起来休息得很好,面色健康红润。Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet.邦伯里猛地倒在床上,让疲惫的双脚休息一下。She arrived home tan and rested.她回到家时皮肤晒黑了,人也精神了。His theory rested upon two important pieces of evidence.他的理论以两大依据为基础。He rested from his labors.他停下工作休息。The defence rested its case without presenting a single witness.被告方未提出一个证人就自愿停止对该案的辩论。Her hands rested lightly on his shoulders.她的双手轻轻地搭在他的肩膀上。I feel quite rested already, but I know that I need a little reserve.我觉得已经休息够了,不过我知道我得积蓄点体力才行。His eyes rested on a small figure in the distance.他的目光落在远处一个小小的身影上。The defense rested its case.被告就此案所做陈述完毕。All our hopes rested on one man.我们的全部希望都寄托在了一个人身上。He rested his arms on the back of the chair.他把手臂放在椅背上。She awoke from her nap rested and refreshed.她小睡了一会儿,醒来后精力充沛、神清气爽。His hand rested on her shoulder.他的手搭在她肩上。Stein took off his glasses and rested his head on the back of the chair. I took this to mean that he wasn't going to say any more.斯坦摘下眼镜,把头靠在椅背上。我觉得他这样子是不打算再说什么了。




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