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词汇 with tears
例句 His eyes filled with tears.他双眼噙满泪水。Maria's eyes filled with tears.玛丽亚的眼中噙满了泪水。Her eyes were glazed with tears and panic.她目光直直的,眼睛里含着泪花,透着惊恐。Her eyes dimmed with tears.她的眼睛被泪水弄模糊了。Her eyes misted with tears.泪水模糊了她的眼睛。Her eyes were streaming with tears.她的眼里流出眼泪。Her eyes were bedewed with tears.她的双眼被泪水润湿了。Her eyes streamed with tears.她的双眼涌出了眼泪。She turned to me with tears in her eyes and begged me to help her.她向我转过身来,双眼含着泪,求我帮帮她。The child's face was grimy and streaked with tears.那个孩子脸上满是污垢,还挂着道道泪痕。Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears.迈克尔恳求地看着他,眼里饱含泪水。Her eyes filmed over with tears.她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief that his eyes filled with tears.他突然感到非常悲伤,眼里噙满了泪水。I saw his face was wet with tears.我看见他满脸泪水。She screamed at him, her eyes blind with tears.她向着他尖叫,泪水模糊了她的双眼。He was suddenly filled with tears of spontaneous emotion.他突然激动得热泪盈眶。His eyes were swimming with tears.他眼中噙满了泪水。Katherine's eyes filled with tears.凯瑟琳的眼里充满了泪水。Her eyes filmed with tears.她两眼因泪水而模糊不清。To my mortification, my eyes began to fill with tears.让我难堪的是,我的眼中开始涌出泪水。Mum showed us the letter with tears running down her cheeks.妈妈泪流满面,给我们看了那封信。Tears of relief were mixed with tears of sorrow.宽慰的泪水和悲伤的泪水混在了一起。Her face was streaked with tears.她的脸上布满泪痕。Her eyes clouded over with tears.她双眼噙满了泪水。Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.她妈妈泪眼蒙眬地伸手去摸椅背。Her face was splotched with tears.她脸上泪痕斑斑。Hearing his story, her eyes were washed with tears.听了他的讲述,她双眼满含泪水。Her eyes blurred with tears.他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。Her eyes were clouded with tears.泪水使她双眼变得模糊起来。Her cheeks were bedewed with tears.她的双颊被泪水沾湿了。Her cheeks were wet with tears.她泪痕满面。Her eyes were moist with tears.她的眼里噙著泪水。She stood in a corner with tears rolling down her face.她站在角落里,泪珠顺着脸面滚滚流下。Her eyes were washed with tears.她的双眼泪水汪汪。Her eyes glistened with tears.她眼中泛着泪光。Her eyes were laden with tears when she heard the sad news.听到不幸的消息时她泪流满面地哭起来。Their daughter came home from school with tears in her eyes. 他们的女儿眼泪汪汪地从学校回到家。He was suddenly struck with such a sense of grief, of loss, that his eyes filled with tears.一种悲伤、失落感突然袭来,他不由得眼泪汪汪。When she saw me, her eyes brimmed over with tears and she could not speak.她看到我时,两眼泪汪汪的,说不出话来。The girl's eyes moistened with tears.姑娘的双眼被泪水湿润了。




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