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例句 It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmospheric pollution.这将引起许多有关大气污染的问题。There is a question with respect to your earlier comments.关于你早前的评论有一个问题。The two groups are very similar with respect to age.两个小组的成员在年龄上非常相似。Parents often have little choice with respect to the way their child is medically treated.关于孩子的治疗方法,父母通常没有什么选择的余地。It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmosphere pollution.这将会引起许多有关环境污染方面的问题。The two groups were similar with respect to income and status.这两组在收入和地位方面相似。There have been problems with respect to transferring the data from the old computer to the new one.关于将数据从旧电脑转到新电脑而言,一直存在一些问题。He informed me about my rights with respect to the forthcoming extradition.他就我在行将执行的引渡问题上的权利对我作了说明。Velocity is the rate of change of distance with respect to time.速度是距离对时间的变率。




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