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词汇 with the aid of
例句 Our forward position was recaptured with the aid of the friendly forces.在友军的帮助下,我们又夺回了前沿阵地。He manages to walk with the aid of a walking stick.他借助手杖勉强走路。He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered.他运用自己发现的一种全新方法,获得了成功。Germs can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.只有借助显微镜细菌才能看得见。The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.那老人借助手杖蹒跚而行。The pupils created the wall painting with the aid of a local artist.学生们在当地艺术家的帮助下创作了这幅壁画。The building was converted into flats with the aid of an urban development grant.靠着一笔城市发展拨款的帮助,这幢大楼被改建成了公寓房。Father Poole walked painfully, with the aid of a stick.普尔神父拄着一根拐杖痛苦地行走。Since the accident he's only been able to walk with the aid of a cane.遭遇这次事故之后,他只能拄着拐杖行走。If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了,那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。She is now able to get around with the aid of a walking stick.她现在能拄着拐杖走路了。He financed with the aid of a loan from his bank.他在其往来银行的一笔贷款帮助下从事金融活动。She's taken surplus goods and throwaways and given them useful new lives with the aid of paint and imagination.借助于油漆和想象力,她赋予了剩余商品和一次性产品新的功用和生命。The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.在重型机械的帮助下,隧道挖通了。The work was done with the aid of a computer.这项工作在计算机的帮助下完成了。She has recently mastered digital photography with the aid of her grandson.她最近在孙子的帮助下学会了用数码相机照相。The bacteria can only be seen with the aid of a high power microscope.这种细菌只有用高倍显微镜才能看到。The project was completed with the aid of several students.这个项目在几个学生的帮助下完成了。She attempted to see herself in profile with the aid of her pocket mirror.她想用小镜子看看自己的侧影。




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