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The college's acting president will be replaced with a permanent one next fall.明年秋天,这所大学的代理校长将被常任校长所取代。One by one the old buildings in the city have been demolished and replaced with new high rises.这座城市里的旧楼一幢接一幢地被拆除,取而代之的是现代化的高楼大厦。Her smile faded, and was replaced with a look of concern.她的笑容逐渐消失,取而代之的是一种担心的表情。My initial scepticism was replaced with respectful admiration.我最初的怀疑后来变成了钦佩和崇敬。The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model.三角钢琴被代之以一架粗鄙的小电子琴。He was pensioned off and replaced with a young girl.他被迫退休,由一位年轻姑娘接替其职务。 |