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词汇 repaired
例句 While the front door is being repaired, please use the side entrance.前门正在维修,请走侧门。The roof must be repaired without delay. 这个屋顶必须马上维修。A woman drove her car to the garage to have it repaired.一位女士把车开到修理厂修理。After dinner, we repaired to the lounge for coffee.晚餐后,我们一起去了酒吧雅间喝咖啡。The car wasn't able to be repaired. 这辆汽车没法再修了。I took my shoes to a heel bar to have them repaired.我把鞋送到修鞋店去修。We'll leave on Tuesday – always assuming the car's repaired by then.我们礼拜二出发 — 如果那时车子能修好的话。Your shoes will be repaired and ready for you to collect on Thursday.你的鞋子星期四会修好,到时可以来取。We all repaired to a restaurant and drank coffee together.我们都涌到餐厅,一起喝咖啡。They repaired a breach in the fence.他们修补了栅栏缺口。The plane was repaired and declared ready for service again.飞机经过维修后宣布可以再度投入使用。The highway and structures thereon are being repaired.公路及相关建筑物正在维修中。The landlord ignored her repeated requests to have the stove repaired.房东无视她修理火炉的再三请求。I'm having my car repaired next week.我下个星期要去修车。The ship is in port to have her hull repaired.轮船进港以检修船体。He repaired to his burrow to work on his books.他回到自己的小窝写书。Most of the damage has now been successfully repaired.大多数损坏部分都已修理好了。One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。The number of queues repaired out of the percent detected.修复的队列数目超过检测到的百分比。She's gone to see the mechanic about getting her car repaired.她去找修理工修车去了。I had a rental while my car was being repaired.我的车送修期间,我租了一辆车。The apprentices worked in the shed where the new locomotives were assembled and the old ones repaired.学徒们在工作棚里组装新机车,修理旧机车。I was wondering if there was anywhere I could go to get this repaired.我一直在想有没有什么地方可以修这个东西。The car is still under guarantee, so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge.汽车仍处于质保期内,你应该可以免费获得维修。I didn't really want to go by train, but I had to because my car was still being repaired.我其实不想乘火车去,但不得不这样,因为我的汽车还在修理。The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey.经过大修的刨子被装入木箱运回去。The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.那只花瓶打破了,但裂口整齐,用一点胶就能粘好。He took the clock apart and repaired it.他把钟拆开修理。He repaired in haste to Washington.他匆匆赶赴华盛顿。We agreed to rent the house on condition that the roof be repaired.如果把房顶修好,我们同意租用这房子。The grounds crew repaired the sod after the football game.橄榄球比赛后,场地人员对草坪进行修复。After dinner we repaired to the sitting room.用餐后我们去会客室。Goldsmith has repaired the roof.戈德史密斯已经将屋顶修缮好。Can their marriage be repaired?他们的婚姻还能够修复吗?She's crashing with friends for a few days while her apartment is being repaired.她的公寓正在维修,她在朋友家借宿了几天。It's a cinch. I'll have the car repaired by Friday.小事一桩。星期五之前我可以把车修好。She had the ding in the paintwork repaired.她修好了漆面上的一处微损。She was able to get her watch repaired the same day.她的手表当天就修好了。They sportingly agreed to postpone the race until our boat was repaired.他们很有体育精神,同意把比赛推迟到我们的船修好之后。Somehow, anyhow, I've got to get this car repaired before the weekend.我得想办法,不管是什么办法,在周末前找人把车修好。




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