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词汇 rejecting
例句 He slanted towards rejecting those proposals.他倾向于拒绝那些建议。The board said it had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer.董事会自称毫不犹豫地一致否决了该项报价。Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry.一些非洲裔加勒比人在抵制整个种族关系运动。She was a rebel, who horrified her family by rejecting a promising career in law to become an actor.她是个叛逆的人,放弃了很有前途的律师工作去当演员,使家人大为震惊。She wrote a sniffy letter rejecting his offer.她写了封言辞傲慢的信,拒绝了他的求婚。Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.孩子不听话其实是在拒绝接受成人的价值观。The denial was limited to rejecting the construction put on his remarks.这种否认仅限于不接受对他所说话语的阐释。After rejecting several marriage proposals, he has been stigmatized as a male chauvinist pig.在拒绝了几次婚姻的提议之后,他被污名化为沙文主义的猪。The union has voted for industrial action after rejecting a pay offer.工会在拒绝资方的工资提议后投票决定举行罢工。He slanted toward rejecting those views.他倾向于排斥那些看法。The board had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer.董事会毫不犹豫地一致拒绝了这一出价。People are rejecting this constant diet of despair.人们开始拒绝这种没完没了的绝望情绪。He was rejecting Nancy in hopes that something better might develop with Lydia.他在拒绝南希,希望能和莉迪娅进一步发展关系。I agree with several points of her argument, while rejecting her conclusions.我同意她的某些论点,但不同意她的结论。We have no hesitation in rejecting his complaint.我们毅然驳回了他的投诉。She showed great discrimination in rejecting the poor quality teas.她在剔除劣质茶方面显示出高超的鉴别力。




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