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词汇 条条
例句 The banner was ribboned by the wind.那横幅被风撕裂成了条条碎片。The diary entries were tantalizingly brief.条条日记都很简短,激起了人们的好奇。The window cleaner left dirty streaks on the windows.擦窗工人在窗户上留下了条条污痕。The armed forces sat down at the approaches to the city.武装部队占据了通往城市的条条要道。The dog was tigered with wounds from head to tail.这狗从头到尾都是条条伤痕。His face is branded with the lines of pressure and exhaustion.他的脸上刻划着心力交瘁留下的条条皱纹。The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic.条条小路全挤满了车马行人。The streets were thronged with people.条条街道都挤满了人。He is all wire — and every wire strung tight.他浑身肌肉发达,条条肌肉都是紧绷绷的。She settled it over him, tucking the soft coverlet around his narrow frame.她给他盖好被单,把软边掖进他瘦条条的身体下。Dirt bike trails crisscrossed the grassy furrows.越野摩托车的轮迹纵横交错地布满条条草沟。




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