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词汇 条件下
例句 I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.我实在是很钦佩那些能在如此艰苦的条件下工作的人。The motor oil gives good performance in all weather conditions.这种机油在各种天气条件下都性能良好。The operation must be carried out under sterile conditions.手术必须在无菌条件下进行。They had jumped in worse conditions.他们在更恶劣的条件下跳过伞。The pilot says it's too dangerous to try to land the plane in this weather.驾驶员说飞机在这种天气条件下降落太危险了。Under certain conditions , it is possible to take the test at a later date.在某些条件下,缓考是可以的。Riders have to learn to handle their machines in all conditions.驾车者必须学会能在各种条件下驾驶车辆。Experiments were carried out under almost unimaginable conditions.实验是在简直不可想象的条件下做的。To test the model under different conditions, it is necessary to run simulations on a computer.为了检验这个型号在不同条件下的性能,有必要在计算机上进行模拟。She spoke on the condition that she not be identified. = She spoke on condition of anonymity.她在不公开姓名的条件下讲了话。Further research is needed under rather more naturalistic conditions.需要在更为自然的条件下作进一步的研究。Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。These doctors perform heroic work in difficult conditions.这些医生在困难的条件下勇敢地工作着。We must be losing at least a third of our staff under new technology.在新的技术条件下,我们必定要解雇至少三分之一的员工。They are now working at a great disadvantage.他们现在正在非常不利的条件下工作。In freezing conditions, sleet can congeal on vehicles.在冰冻条件下,雨夹雪会冻结在车辆上。All things being equal, a small car will cost less than a larger one.在同等的条件下,小汽车要比大一点的汽车便宜。The equipment should be stored at a constant temperature.这个设备应该在恒温条件下存放。This type of plant thrives in cool conditions.这种植物在凉快的条件下长势旺盛。I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.我把所有的油脂清除干净,然后用油来代替,从而使它在低温条件下运转得更好。Three hours is a long time to try to stay afloat in these conditions.在这样的条件下设法漂浮三个小时是够久的。I'd like to thank the staff for working very hard in these difficult conditions.我要感谢在这些困难条件下刻苦工作的员工们。Reading without good lighting is bad for your eyes.在照明不充足的条件下阅读对眼睛不好。Further exploration for gas is being conducted by a foreign company under a fifty-fifty split.目前正由一家外国公司在均分所得的条件下进行进一步的石油勘探。All these agreements and ideas remain little more than pious hopes in the present climate.所有这些协议和想法在目前的条件下都是不太可能实现的。These people are working every day down in the trenches to improve the lives of refugees.为改善难民的生活,这些人每天都在艰苦的条件下工作。What a miserable existence! How could anyone live in such awful conditions?多么痛苦的生活!一个人怎么能在这么糟糕的条件下过活?The compound will decompose in the presence of light.在有光的条件下,化合物会分解。This change has been timed under laboratory conditions.在实验室条件下测得了这一变化所需的时间。It was on this condition that he went.他就是在这个条件下去的。Under optimal conditions, these plants grow quite tall.在最理想的条件下,这些植物长得相当高大。They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.他们已经在恶劣不堪的条件下生活两个月了。They can't work in these infernal conditions.他们不能在这样糟糕透顶的条件下工作。These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.这些植物无法在非常寒冷的条件下生存。Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners.直升机在恶劣的天气条件下起飞前去援救遇难的船员。Until women are paid as much as men, they will be competing on unequal terms.在男女同工同酬前,妇女将会一直在不平等的条件下与男人竞争。The search for the missing men was conducted in poor weather conditions.对失踪男子的搜寻是在恶劣天气条件下进行的。She succeeded against overwhelming odds.她在极端不利的条件下获得了成功。They were unable to work in the blistering heat.他们无法在酷热的条件下干活。In the wintry conditions the Norwegian team really came into their own.在寒冷的天气条件下,挪威队的确尽显自己的风采。




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