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词汇 regiment
例句 Half the regiment was away on exercise.这个团的一半人员在外演习。Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops.我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。He was the first member of his regiment to die while on active service.他是他们团第一个阵亡的人。His first military duty was when he attended the early-morning muster of the regiment.他第一次执行军事任务是参加团里的清晨集合。The irate colonel blared at the troops for letting down the regiment.怒气冲冲的上校向士兵们吼叫,因为他们给全团丢了脸。He has transferred to an infantry regiment.他已调至一个步兵团。On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise.在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。Their regiment was in an advanced position.他们的团占据着一处前沿阵地。He was a dishonor to his regiment.他是他所属的团的耻辱。The regiment must be remounted.全团必须重新配备战马。The townspeople received billets ordering them to lodge the regiment overnight.镇民接到命令,要为一团官兵提供一夜住宿。Their training completed, the regiment embarked for the war zone.训练结束之后,该团登船奔赴战区。He was given command of the regiment.他受命指挥这个团。The fact that there are no black officers in the entire regiment reveals that the army is not serious about its anti-discrimination policies.整个军团里没有一个黑人军官,这个事实揭示出军中的反歧视政策并不是认真的。The regiment could be forced to admit women.该团可能被迫接纳女性。The regiment was virtually wiped out in the first battle.在首次交战中,整个团几乎被全歼。It would be splendid to erect a memorial to the regiment.为该政权建立纪念碑该是件美事。The rebel group successfully ambushed a regiment of American reinforcements.这群叛乱分子成功伏击了美国的一支增援部队。The regiment had finally learned to march in step.这个军团终于学会了齐步行进。He made his way back to the farmyard where his regiment was encamped.他回到了他所在的团驻扎的农家场院。He had left here for his regiment's bivouac.他已离开这里前往他的团宿营地。They carefully regiment their son's diet/schedule/life.他们精心安排儿子的饮食/起居/生活。He commanded a regiment of cavalry in Algiers.他指挥过驻阿尔及尔的一个骑兵团。He is trying to trace the history of the regiment.他试图描绘出这个团的历史。The officer was displaced from his regiment as a result of misconduct.这位军官因行为不端被开除出团。During the civil war, he led a black regiment of freed slaves.在内战期间,他领导了一群被解放的黑人奴隶。He commands an infantry regiment.他指挥一个步兵团。The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines.该团向敌军阵地挺进。Each regiment was officered with a Colonel.每个团都配了一名上校。The General commanded that the regiment attack at once.将军下令该团立刻发起进攻。Bud's truck had been commandeered by the regiment.巴德的卡车被军团征用了。The regiment was recruited from the Highlands specifically for service in India.该军团是专门为在印度作战而从苏格兰高地征募来的。He quickly brought order and discipline to the regiment.他很快使该团秩序井然、纪律严明。The entire regiment was on parade.整个军团在接受检阅。He commanded a tank regiment in the war.他在战争中指挥一个坦克团。Our regiment sprang a surprise attack on the enemy position.我团对敌人的阵地发动了一次突击。We were part of an entire regiment that had nothing else to do but to keep that highway open.整个团除了保持那条公路畅通就无事可干,而我们就是这个团的一部分。Our regiment will garrison the town.我们团将驻防在这个镇上。




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