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词汇 Terry
例句 Terry Puhl leads off for the Houston Astros.特里·皮尔为休斯敦太空人队率先击球。Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years, but she seems not to notice.特里暗恋莉兹好多年了,可是她似乎没有察觉到。Terry's eyes widened in pretended surprise.特丽的眼睛瞪得大大的,装出一副惊讶的样子。Suddenly Terry appeared around the corner.特里突然出现在街角。What's Terry up to - I haven't seen him for ages.特里在捣什么鬼?我好久都没见过他了。There was an emotional reunion at the airport when Terry returned home.特里回家时,机场重聚的场面很感人。That's the school that Terry went to.那就是特里上过的学校。I've never seen Terry laugh so hard.我从没见过特里这么开怀大笑过。Terry and Meena aren't married but they live together as man and wife.特里和米娜没有结婚,不过他们以夫妻的身份住在一起。Terry's an old mate of mine.特里是我的老朋友。Terry had a soft spot for me.特里非常疼我。Gervaise and Terry had opened their crisp packets and were munching greedily.热尔韦斯和特里已经打开了薯片包装袋,嘎巴嘎巴地大嚼起来。Terry speculated heavily in mining shares and lost a lot of money.特里在矿业股票上做大笔投机买卖,输掉了许多钱。Anne saw Terry off at the station.安妮到车站为特里送行。Terry was more comfortable with his own kind.特里和同类的人呆在一起时感觉较为舒服。Don't ask Terry to do it - she'll probably just mess it up.别叫特丽来做—她一定会把它搞得一团糟的。Like most armchair sportsmen, Terry is sure he understands the game better than the referees.像绝大多数空谈的体育爱好者一样,特里确信他要比裁判更了解赛事。I could see my father's sternness in Terry's narrow-lipped mouth.我从泰利的薄嘴唇看到了我父亲身上的那种坚定。Put the stick down, Terry. You might hurt someone with it.把棍子放下,特里,你会伤到人的。Having stuffed himself with burgers, Terry was unable to finish his dessert.特里吃汉堡包吃得太饱,甜点就吃不完了。He had the friendship of Terry Jones and the respect of John Cleese.他得到了特里·琼斯的友谊和约翰·克利斯的尊敬。Terry's new job starts a week tomorrow.特里的新工作从下个星期的明天算起。Terry's just bought himself a place over in Newgate, overlooking the harbour.特里刚在纽盖特买了房子,可以看到海港。Terry slept peacefully in the pull-out in the sitting-room.特里在客厅的沙发床上安然睡着了。Off-screen, Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry.生活中的凯茜受到父亲特里的严格看管。Terry was so tired he couldn't walk straight.特里累得走路都走不直了。I'll get Terry to check the wiring for me.我会让特里帮我检查线路。Terry's what you'd call a man's man - you wouldn't find him at the ballet too many nights a week.特里是人们所说的男人中的男人——我想你不可能见他一周好几个晚上都在看芭蕾舞。As far as I'm concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.就我而言,特里仍然是我的朋友,就是这样。Terry's just heard he's been posted as liaison officer on the USS Nebraska.特里刚得知他要调到美国军舰内布拉斯加号上当联络官。Joe picked Steve and Terry to be on his team.乔将史蒂夫和特里选入自己的队。Hey, Terry, come and meet my Dad.嗨,特里,过来认识一下我爸爸。Terry and Donald think I set them up, but it's all a big misunderstanding.托里和唐纳德认为是我诬陷了他们,这真是天大的误会。Is Terry still in college?特里还在上大学吗?Terry's work has improved a lot during the last three months.特里的工作在过去的三个月里进步了不少。You can talk in front of Terry – he's one of us.你可以当着特里的面说,他是我们一伙的。Running his own business has really made a man out of Terry.经营自己的企业使特里真正树立了信心。When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over.当我放眼望去见到特里时,我整个人兴奋不已。Terry will have to double up with Bill in the front bedroom.特里只好与比尔一起睡在前面的卧室里了。Terry's face was expressionless as he listened to the report.特里面无表情地听着报告。




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