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词汇 terrorized
例句 Hearst's campaign developed into a witch-hunt that terrorized the campuses.赫斯特的运动演变成了使大学校园惊恐不安的政治迫害。This gang terrorized the entire community.该团伙使整个社区惊恐不安。Many people have been terrorized into leaving.许多人遭到恐吓,离开了。As a child she terrorized her younger siblings.儿时的她让弟弟妹妹们感到十分害怕。Some of the older children dominated the playground and terrorized the smaller kids.一些大孩子控制了操场,并威胁那些年纪小的。Employees were terrorized into accepting abysmal working conditions.雇员们被胁迫接受恶劣的工作条件。The town has been plagued by armed thugs who have looted food supplies and terrorized the population.武装暴徒抢掠食物、恐吓群众,该镇居民深受其苦。He has terrorized his employees with threats of instant dismissals.他用立即解职的警告恐吓他的雇员们。Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers.几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运输的食品,控制了救济人员。He was terrorized by numerous death threats.他受到多次死亡威胁的恐吓。With threats, beatings, and even murder, the workers were terrorized into leaving their unions.工人们遭到了威胁、殴打,甚至是谋杀,被迫退出工会。They were terrorized into migration.他们因受威胁而迁移。She was terrorized by nightmares.噩梦让她极度恐惧。




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