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词汇 territories
例句 Male birds compete for territories and mates.雄鸟会争夺地盘和爱侣。The new law applies to Britain and all its subject territories.这部新法律适用于英国及其所有属地。Reports revealed that the government was plotting an invasion of neighbouring territories.有报告显示,政府正在密谋侵占邻国领土。The invaders have ended their occupation of large parts of the territories.侵略者结束了他们对大部分领土的占领。They promise to let go of most of the territories they have occupied.他们答应放弃他们所占领的大部分领土。A nation must be able to protect the integrity of its territories.任何一个国家都必须有能力保持它领土的完整。The vast territories have been racked.大片土地的地力已被耗竭。France has kept the most intimate links with its former African territories.法国与其前非洲属地一直保持着最密切的联系。They want to prevent a spillover of refugees into neighbouring territories.他们想要防止难民潮蔓延至邻近地区。Maybe he had lit out for the territories himself without telling any of us.也许他没告诉我们任何人就已经独自动身去了那些地方。The French under Louis XIV of France laid claim to the throne of Spain and its territories.路易十四统治下的法国人对西班牙的王位和领土提出了权利要求。In the animal kingdom intruders usually lose contests over territories.在动物王国里,入侵者通常在领地争夺中被击败。The birds are busy establishing territories and building nests.鸟儿们正忙着确立领地,筑造鸟巢。The explorers set off to conquer new territories.探险家们动身去征服新的领地了。African territories eventually obtained their independence.非洲各属地最终获得了独立。Napoleon conquered vast territories.拿破仑曾征服大片疆土。National authority was extended over new territories.国家主权延伸到了新的领土上。He toured some of the disputed territories now under U.N. control.他巡视了目前在联合国管辖下的一些争议地区。They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories.他们只是想回到在占领区的家人身边。America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.美国按照惯例在对以色列的援助中提出了附加条款,大意是该援助不能用于被占领地区。Retention of these territories became a matter of national pride.保住这些领土成了事关民族尊严的事情。They are determined to win back the disputed territories, whatever the cost in human terms.他们下决心不管牺牲多少人都要夺回这些有争议的领土。He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control.他去一些目前由联合国接管的争议地区巡视了一番。The French army invaded the Austrian territories of Piedmont and Lombardy.法军侵入了位于皮德蒙特和伦巴第的奥地利领土。These territories remained within the orbit of the empire for hundreds of years.几百年来,这些领土一直处在帝国的势力范围之内。




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